Chapter 1 - Stella's DITL

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Stella was sleeping, when she was supposed to be getting ready for school, When she didn't show up at Breakfast, Snape knew she was still in bed. He went to the Slytherin house, and up to her dorm, "Stella Anne Snape," he said, she knew she had overslept. "Sorry dad," she got up, and got dressed, she put on Jeans, and a Slytherin shirt then cropped it, she decided it looked bad cropped, and took it down. Then she brushed her hair, she went downstairs where her dad was waiting with his wand out. "Dad," she whined, "do we have to do this every time," Snape didn't respond in the way she wanted, "Stella you know the rule - where do you have to be at 7 am?" "The great hall," Stella responded, Snape took her to the guest room, and she bent over the bed. He spanked her with his wand, "ow," Stella said, even with pants it hurt a lot, "if you started getting up on time, this wouldn't happen," Snape sensed it wasn't taking effect, he pulled her pants down, and spanked her harder, she gripped the bed in pain. "Ow-daddy please," she cried, "do you promise me to wake up on time tomorrow," he asked. she nodded, "do you promise to wake up at 6:30," "yes," she replied. He stopped spanking her, and pulled her pants up. Then he told her, "I know you need food with your medication, so I bought you some food, but tomorrow I expect you in the great hall at 7 am." Stella nodded. After she ate, she brushed her teeth, then it was time for the first class, Charms, Stella went to her first class. She was fine at first, but suddenly got super tense. Professor Flitwick noticed, "Stella," he said, "Do you need a break," Stella nodded, now all the professors were aware of her condition. She stood up, but her legs gave out, and she sat back down, "Draco, please run, and get Professor Snape please." Draco ran, and got Snape from his office, when Snape heard about Stella, he went to the classroom with Draco. When he saw Stella, he knew immediately what was happening. He took her to potions, which was the next class so he can get prepared. "Daddy," "yes Stella," "I feel sick," Snape knew she was still in a moment. He laid her down on the cot he had set up in the room. When the others came, he told her to go to her table. She went to the table, all calm and composed, she started her lesson in potions. Snape was teaching the class when he heard sniffles coming from Stella's table. He looked over, Draco, and the others at that table were comforting Stella, who was crying. He gave it five minutes before going over, then he went over, picked her up, and she stopped crying in his embrace. Then she said something that worried him, "I'm tired," he sent her to lay down, and she fell asleep. When she woke up, a different class was in the classroom. Snape told her, "I have removed you from school for the day, you will be staying with me." "Ok dad," then Stella asked, "may I please go back to the house, change, and get some stuff to do?" "Yes," Snape replied, Stella went back to the house, took off her clothes, Put on black denim jeans, a  black cropped spaghetti sleeve top, and a light black athletic jacket. She threw her hair in a ponytail, and grabbed her activity bag she always kept packed, and in her closet. She then went back to the classroom, and Snape had set up a table for her to do her activities, when he saw what she was wearing, he had her zip up her jacket, she did, then got out her coloring book.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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