Monday - The First Night

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Kari ~~

Kari can't believe her eyes.. She didn't think the house was this big wait until she got inside
" Aaliyah I didn't know it was this big and this many people" she says to be cousin Aaliyah
"Yea their just my mom's friend and their kids " Aaliyah said as they got settled from bringing in all their stuff
" Do you wanna get into the pool ? " Kari asked her older cousin well Aaliyah wasn't that much older maybe just a couple of months no big deal
" Yea sure we can just chill out there" Aaliyah agreed
But Kari wasn't like any other girl she had amazing curves sometimes she felt as if people would take advantage of that so she was very careful on which bathing suit she picked but she was grateful for her curves she had them in all the right places but sometimes to her she was insecure about it mainly because of how boys treated her in school about her wonderful curves but later in life she realized not all boys were like that little did she know the boy she was about to meet was definitely not like other boys ..

As they made themselves comfortable and walked downstairs with their bathing suits on Kari sees the door wide open and see a guy walk in he can catches her eye but she thought he was much older than her .. little did she know she quickly snapped out of her thoughts and meets her cousin outside in the pool they both got in and seen all the kids around her , her mother's friends kids she introduced herself to one she was the " doesn't speak unless spoken to" type of girl
" Hi I'm Kari " she introduced herself to an older girl she could tell because she had a tattoo
" Oh hi I'm Sage , how old are you "
" I'm just 15 , and you "
" I'm 18 " Kari was definitely right she knew she was older than her as her and Sage talked a bit she saw the guy from earlier with another one whom we was earlier introduced to his name was Christian but the other guy she had her eye on she didn't know his name by she didn't wanna speak first so she waited and waited but it was kinda getting late and she didn't wanna not know him so she introduced herself to him
" Hi .. I'm Kari "
" Wassup " the mystery boy said
" What's your name ? "
" I'm Cortez nice to meet you " he smiled at her as she smiled back

Hey guys I wanted to do something different I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue The Start Of It All

This book is kinda about me and how I met this guy over the summer in Orlando I switched up names like Kari is not my name and Aaliyah is not my cousins name

But Christan and Cortez are actual people that were there I'll use face claims a bit later on and I've just been in my feelings About Cortez and Ik I shouldn't but I felt like I needed o write it down so please read it and tell me how you feel about it !!!

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