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Bravery, honour, justice, and truth. These were the ideals and principles that the Crystal Keepers had lived by. The crystal keepers were warriors both men and women alike that had fought to protect the people of Avantia. Trained in martial arts and the powers of their crystal which they were born with which gave them the power of the four elements; fire, water, earth, and air.

Throughout the land, everything was peaceful until one day a shadow cast itself across the land. A Crystal Keeper named Ravana discovered the powerful dark magic of her crystal and sought to use it to take over and rule over Avantia.

The High Masters of the Crystal Keepers were concerned and fearful of what Ravana's darkness could bring to the land and so they consulted a seer known as the Ancient One who foretold that if Ravana continued on the path of darkness, she would be defeated by a powerful Crystal Keeper who would be born from a Crystal Keeper and a normal woman.

Ravana however discovered the Ancient One's prediction and with the combined powers of the four elements, she created a terrible army known as the Kardama and sent them to attack and destroy all Crystal Keepers and humans. Many Crystal Keepers and humans were killed by her power and her army. It seemed no-one could stop them or Ravana until one Crystal Keeper named Batair stood against Ravana in a combat duel.

Ravana however proved to be more powerful than everyone thought and struck him down with the dark powers of her crystal causing a fatal wound on his chest. Batair however was not going to allow Ravana to kill any more people and so he used the last of his crystal's energy to send Ravana and her army in the farthest corner of Avantia and created a powerful barrier to trap her there.


Those were the last words Ravana screamed before being banished and disappearing forever.

Batair had died that night but not before telling the High Masters and King Ansgar to take his daughter and keep her safe.

The High Masters and King Ansgar took the infant girl and consulted with the Ancient One once more who had foretold that the baby would grow and be the one to defeat Ravana and save Avantia from her wrath.

And so the High Masters and Ansgar agreed that the baby would be placed in the care of her father's most trusted friend and remain in hiding until the day would come for her to start her training as a Crystal Keeper. The High Masters also went into hiding, one of them remained at the palace with King Ansgar while the others went to live in the secluded locations of Avantia.

The surviving Crystal Keepers went into hiding until the day they would be needed to face Ravana once more and Avantia entered a new age of peace but peace does not last for long......


Fourteen years later, after being attacked by a necromancer, Myrina learns that she is a Crystal Keeper, and not only that, but she is a chosen one to fulfill a prophecy that is said she will be the one to defeat Ravana once and for all.

Determined to finish what her father had started, she began her journey which took her to the Capital of Avantia where she met Soliel the High Master of Fire and began to learn the first element of her crystal fire. 

During her time, she had become friends with the youngest prince of King Ansgar, Tarao. However, Horvath the necromancer tried once again to kill her but thanks to her training and Tarao, Horvath was defeated.

It was then they discovered the barrier that was keeping Ravana in the Dark Lands of Avantia will eventually break, giving Myrina only three months to master the powers of her crystal, bring the Crystal Keepers back and defeat Ravana in a final battle once and for all.

With no time to lose, Myrina now sets out to seek the High Master of Water to learn the second elemental power of her crystal and this time, she is not alone. Now Tarao has joined her and is ready to help in anyway possible to complete this journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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