A Spooky Playdate (little Skid and cg Pump)

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Skid was in his room, coloring outside the lines of a Halloween coloring book. The silly boy was regressed to a baby, sucking on a skeleton pacifier and wearing a diaper under his skeleton onesie. His mama was out working today, so he didn't have anyone to play with. Well, he had his Jack Skellington stuffie, but no one alive to play with. The baby boy didn't mind, since all he cared about at that moment was coloring his spooky pages.


Pump ran up to the door of Skid's house. He knocked on the door, expecting Lila and/or Skid to answer. Somehow, no one answered. Strange, usually he'd start an adventure with Skid right now. The pumpkin boy got impatient and tore a hole through the door with his hammer. Through the hole, Pump didn't see anyone. He got in the house only to hear high pitched giggling noises. He could recognize that voice anywhere; Skid! Pump rushed to his friend's bedroom to see him.

Pump finally saw his spooky buddy in the bedroom. He noticed the boy giggling while coloring in a book. The pumpkin boy walked to him to get a closer look. Pump saw that his buddy was wearing a pacifier. Pacifier? Kids his age were still allowed to have those. Pump shrugged it off, since his buddy was more focused on his coloring book. The boy greeted his baby buddy. "Ay, buddy! How ya doin?"

Skiddy turned his head to see the big boy. His eyes widened at the pumpkin mask. Skid was a regressed baby, so he didn't even remember his friend. He just really liked how spooky and silly his mask was. It was a coincidence too, since the page he was coloring had a big pumpkin too! The baby gibberish as he showed the pumpkin boy the page he colored, then pointed to the pumpkin on the page while mumbling "pum, pum!"

Pump chuckled as he saw the page. "Haha, that looks a lot like me! Good job, buddy!" The response to this was happy baby clapping from Skid. Skid then stopped laughing and crawled over to a box. Pump followed him and his friend stopped at the box. It contained many Duplo blocks, all of them too big for a child to choke on. Skid handed Pump a handful of blocks and just asked "pway?" Pump looked at the blocks he was handed and then looked at Skid. He responded with "of course I'll play with you!"

The two then built lots of things with the duplo blocks. They stacked them up to make towers, cubed them to make houses, even made little stacks to make people. Pump had the idea to stack some duplos with duplos with eyes to make a giant duplo monster. Skid saw the duplo monster and responded with claps and laughter. Even as a baby, he loved monsters. Pump held the monster and walked it while talking in a goofy voice. "Hehe, I'm the big, bad, duplo monster, and I am gonna....TICKLE YOU!!!" The pumpkin boy then dropped the duplo monster and tickles his friend. Skid laughed out loud from the tickles, his pacifier falling form his mouth entirely. Pump was having so much fun, he didn't even know his friend was age regressed. He just thought Skid was playing make believe, and Pump sure loved to play.

Suddenly, Pump stopped ticking when he saw a music box on Skid's nightstand. As he walked to the music box, Skid put his pacifier back in from pure instinct. There was a button on the box that read "Play me." Pump pushed the button, and pretty music played. The music made Skid start to yawn. He crawled into his bed as Pump put the duplo blocks away. As Skid lied in bed, Pump joined him as hugged the baby. They both fell asleep cuddling.

Little Skid (spooky month agere)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora