Prologue (unedited)

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The Lord of the underworld was a figure of unparalleled allure and mischief. Tall and imposing, he exuded an air of power that demanded respect from both gods and mortals alike. His features were chiselled and sharp, with a magnetic charisma that drew others to him like moths to a flame. He had jet-black hair that fell in sleek waves, framing a face that held an ageless quality. His skin, the colour of smooth onyx, seemed to possess an otherworldly sheen. Eyes, like pools of obsidian, were intense and penetrating, revealing depths of wisdom and cunning that surpassed that of any mortal or deity. Lucifer's gaze held a mesmerizing quality, capable of captivating and unsettling those who dared to meet it. It was said that he could see through the very souls of those who stood before him, discerning their true intentions and desires. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, a constant reminder of his true nature as the God of Mischief. A strong jawline and high cheekbones added to his regal countenance, and a well-groomed beard accentuated his allure. He wore an enigmatic smile, often laced with a touch of smugness, as if he held secrets that only he was privy to. Lucifer's lips, curved with a devilish charm, were both alluring and dangerous, capable of weaving words that could sway even the most steadfast minds. His attire was as enigmatic as his personality, often adorned in dark, luxurious robes that seemed to ripple like shadows. Symbols of his dominion over the underworld adorned his garments, adding to his air of authority. He carried an aura of darkness and allure, an intoxicating blend that both intrigued and intimidated those who encountered him.

His timeless existence had granted him wisdom and understanding that no mortal or lesser deity could fathom. However, despite his vast knowledge and power, there were moments when even eternity seemed to stretch before him like an unending void. While some of his divine counterparts found solace in creating new wonders across the cosmos, fashioning intricate beings, and designing whole worlds, Lucifer found little pleasure in such endeavours. Instead, the Lord of the Underworld sought his entertainment in other ways. He honed a wicked sense of humour and enjoyed weaving clever tricks and pranks, often targeting his fellow Gods. These mischievous acts brought temporary relief from the monotonous eternity that plagued even the most divine beings. As time passed, even his mischievous nature felt stale, and the weight of centuries bore down on his immortal soul. The excitement of chaos and disorder, once intoxicating, now felt lacklustre and mundane. He found himself yearning for something he couldn't quite define a purpose beyond his eternal existence.

Amidst the celestial dance of Gods and the weaving of destinies, a sense of restlessness took hold of Lucifer's heart. It was as if a spark of longing had been ignited within him, beckoning him towards an unknown horizon. Deep down, he sensed that there was more to existence than the never-ending cycle of creation and destruction.

And so, the God of Mischief found himself at a crossroads, contemplating the meaning of his divine existence. What was his place in this vast tapestry of reality? Was there more to life than simply revelling in chaos and caprice? These questions lingered in the depths of his being, haunting him with each passing eon. In the expanse of eternity, Lucifer sought solace in the moments of silence, pondering the enigma of his own existence. The heavens whispered their secrets, and the stars shared their ancient wisdom, yet the answers he sought remained elusive.

In the midst of divine machinations, the Lord found himself intrigued by Mother Luna, the goddess of lycanthropes, whose role in the cosmos involved orchestrating the fates of her creation. She was an active and attentive deity, carefully pairing her children and guiding their paths through the vast tapestry of life. Her dedication to her creations captured Lucifer's attention, and he found himself drawn to her in a way he had not experienced before. Unbeknownst to himself, his pranks and mischief directed towards Mother Luna may have been spurred by a burgeoning infatuation, a strange fascination that he did not want to admit even to himself. It was an uncharacteristic vulnerability that he had never encountered before, and it thrilled and unnerved him in equal measure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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