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Alessia Ferrari

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Alessia Ferrari

"I'm not the same soul I once was. A lot has changed. A lot had to change. So you shouldn't expect out of me what I embodied in the past. For that part of me no longer exists." ~ Unknown.

"You ruined her life, and now she's dead. I hope that freaking haunts you for the rest of your pathetic life." The girl I once proudly called my best friend, Sally Anne Bruce, stated. Venom dripped from ever word that escaped her lips.

How did I end up in this situation you be asking. Truthfully, I don't have the slightest clue. I was in the process of walking to the campus library to get a book I need for Sociology and all of a sudden I have Sally yelling at me about her self proclaimed best friend Tiara. When will she realize that she could have fallen off the face of the Earth and princess Tiara wouldn't have bat an eye.

"She never even liked you Sally, she was just fucking using you in an attempt to hurt me." I informed.

"That's not true... She wouldn't do that."

I lowly chuckle while leaning closer to her ear so nobody can hear the words escape my lips, "she's the same girl that taped photos of me being assaulted all over the halls of our pathetic excuse of a high school. Is pretending to be your friend really that far of a stretch?"

"She only did that because Jasper threatened her, she felt bad about it. She told me about it after it happened, she didn't know it wasn't... Consensual..."

My chuckle turned into a full blown, stomach hurting, falling to my knees, laugh. "You say that as if you actually believe it and if that's the case you really lost a few dozen braincells while hanging around princess Tiara. Come on Sally, you used to be so smart, don't let one person influence pure fucking stupidity."


"I really don't want to hear it Bruce. You are giving me just as much of a headache as Jasper and Tiara once did." I sigh.

"I'm not like them." She defends.

"Then act like it. Right now it feels like I'm talking to a ten year old, not someone who recently turned twenty and I may have put up with that shit in high school but in case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly that same person anymore. You really don't know this version of me; I had to pick of the pieces of the lost little girl I once was and I put her back together a bit differently, you really don't want to find out what I'm capable of if you don't just fuck off. Have a good life Sal, you're better then this. Your father would have been so damn disappointed in the woman you have become."

I know that was a low blow, but perhaps it was something she desperately needed to hear before she falls further down the same path that led to the demise of Jasper and Tiara.

Her dad was pretty popular in our neighborhood while we were growing up, everybody adored him. He also lost his little sister to suicide after she was bullied, she was only eleven and despite the fact they had a twenty year age gap, he loved her, ever since then he's been a pretty loud mental health and antibullying advocate but he past do to a late stage form of brain cancer.

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