By the Pool

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A/N: Okay, so I don't usually write about the X and Y characters but I decided that I'd try something different, so here is a little fic about Serena and Clemont!... And Ash and Misty! Of course Bonnie is there too! I haven't seen many of the episodes *sigh* they're just not as good as they used to be... So sorry if it's not very accurate. I got this idea from a comic I found on the Internet... Actually, it's basically interpreting the comic into words. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

"Misty!!!" Ash screamed. She was lying unconscious on the ground. She had been doing a water show and her tail had gotten caught on something and she almost drowned. Luckily a life guard had been watching and dragged her out.
"Breathe!" The life guard encouraged . Ash inhaled deeply and pressed his mouth against hers, hoping to start her breathing again. Serena, Bonnie and Clemont were watching worriedly. He was crying, tears streaming down his face. Ash sat back up and looked to the guard. The man held up his hand and examined the girl.
"Okay!" He said "... Let's try again!" Ash blushed.
"...A-Again?" He stuttered. The life guard nodded. Bonnie watched in aw as Ash tried to help Misty again and Serena fainted. Pikachu jumped out of her arms (she was holding him for Ash).
"Oh!!! Pikachu!" Bonnie called, holding out her arms to catch him.
"Serena?!" Clemont reached out to grab the girl "Serena! Talk to me!" He cried, setting her on the ground. Bonnie watched behind them with pikachu in her arms.
'Oh man, what do I do?' He thought to himself. Serena didn't move.

"Ssserena...." A soothing voice rang through her brain. She slowly opened her eyes. A blurry vision of someone showed.
"Can, you hear me?" The person said "It's me..." Her vision came into focus.
"-Clemont." He finished.
"EEEK!" She screeched and slapped him across the face accidentally. Bonnie gasped as she watched her brothers glasses fly across the floor.
"Clem-?" She stammered "Oh! Clemont! A-are you okay?" She quickly turned to her friend and placed a gentle hand on his red cheek.
"YES! I'm fine!" He said quickly backing away and groping for his glasses.
"Let me help you up." She said holding out her hands. Bonnie looked at the two, smiling cheekily. A picture of Clemont and Serena's wedding flashed in her brain. She quickly snatched her brother's glasses and slid them on the pikachu that squirmed in her arms and placed Serena's hat on her head.
"Hahaha!" She laughed, holding up the Pokemon "you look just like brother!" She smiled.
"...Chu..." Pikachu groaned.
"Hehehe, you look so cute!" She said, mimicking Serena while looking at 'Clemont' (Pikachu)
"Huh?" Clemont looked at his sister then to Serena. He blushed as he soon realised what his little sister was doing.
"Hhhhhhh Bonnie..." Clemont sighed as the two teens instantly moved away from each other "not again." Serena watched her friend, her face turning scarlet. She cleared her throat and turned to the little girl.
"You know Bonnie," she started, her face clearing slightly from her blush. Clemont watched her get and walk over to his little sister. "Helping Clemont find a suitable wife is sweet and all..." She plucked his glasses of the little yellow Pokemon and turned to him "but ultimately," she slowly slid the glasses onto the bridge of his nose "it's up to him" he stared at her. His vision was now clear and he could see her properly now and she looked more beautiful than ever.

Ash watched Misty, hoping that she was only asleep.
"M...isty..." He whispered, his balled fists tightening. She moved. He was overjoyed. Tears of happiness started to form in his eyes. She shot up and coughed, the life guard shot to her side.
"Ah!" He cried. It was all he could say, the tears that had been stored in his eyes started rolling down his cheeks. Before anyone could do anything, Ash grabbed Misty, pulled her closer and hugged her. He never wanted to let her go. That was far too close. Misty's eyes were wide for a moment then closed as she relaxed and melted away in Ash's embrace.

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