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Hehehe I found it! I couldn't figure out which ff had the car crash but I found ittttt. This is gonna be a long chapter soooo yea prepare yourselves also I'm thinking this might be the last chapter and any extra characters in this chapter are completely made up so fr don't associate with anyone you know



Heeseung eventually gets his seatbelt off and crawls out of the car as fast as he can, not giving a shit if he scrapes himself on the glass. He reaches under his shirt and grabs a gun from his belt, aiming as best as he can at the drivers seat.

The car escapes Heeseung reach and Heeseung throws the gun onto the floor and runs after the car as fast as he can. Heeseung pulls his phone from his pocket and dials his fathers number while he runs

Mr. Lee: Yes?
Hee: License plate number XXXXXX. They took him
Mr. Lee: I'll put the men on it. Who'd they take?
Hee: The love of my life!!!
Mr. Lee: Dont worry Heeseung, I know how you feel. Someone tried to kidnap your mother once and now he's dead. I'll leave that honor to you. We'll find him.

Hee: Please hurry....he was telling me earlier about a guy in school who threatened him. If it's that guy then....WHAT IF HE GETS HURT DAD?!
Mr. Lee: Calm down. Where are you?
Hee: Tryna catch the car

Mr. Lee: On foot?
Hee: I didn't have any choice they crashed into my car!
Mr. Lee: Share your location im sending someone to pick you up
Hee: What about Jake?!

Mr. Lee: I've already got a tail on him
Hee: I gotta keep running....what if they don't catch him?!
Mr. Lee: Can you even see the car at this point?
Hee: Barely
Mr. Lee: Then be logical and wait for the men to pick you up. What did I teach you about thinking logically in these situations?

Hee: Fine!
Heeseung stops running and leans on his knees.
Mr. Lee: Give me details about the kidnapper
Hee: He was tall maybe around 6ft. Not a very muscular build but not skinny either.
Mr. Lee: And his face? Did he look familiar?

Hee: He was wearing a mask. I couldn't see his face
Mr. Lee: That means he either thought you'd recognize him or didn't want you to be able to identify him but if he's from your school it would probably be the former

Hee: Yea....can we hack the schools surveillance cameras? See who he talked to today?
Mr. Lee: The team already has access. Around what time do you think it would've happened?
Hee: In the morning. Right after we said goodbye and headed to our classes.

Mr. Lee: Ok. I'll inform the team. You're doing good so far. You're well on your way to becoming a good leader
Hee: Thanks but I don't want that yet
Mr. Lee: I understand. Take your time

Heeseung hangs up the phone as he sees the car pull up.
Henchman1: Sir, where would you like to go?
Hee: Find out where the kidnappers car is now and head directly there
Henchman1: There's already a tail on him sir
Hee: I KNOW THAT! But I'm gonna be there to kill that bastard myself!

The henchman nods and follows the tail's gps. They soon pull up at an abandoned building somewhere on the outskirts of the city.
Hee: They're inside?
Henchman1: That's what the gps says
Hee: Where's the tail?
Henchman2: They've been guarding all the exists until further orders

Hee: Give me some weapons
The henchmen get out of the car and open the trunk then stand aside as Heeseung sees what they have.
Heeseung takes a handgun and checks that it's loaded then sticks it into his belt.
Hee: Grab the best field members of the team and tell them to meet me here.

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