Short one

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She stood on the beach, watching as the waves crashed and toppled over each other. Watched as families brought their children, set up picnics. She watched as they laughed, watched as they played together. It wasn't even a scorching summer day, more like beautiful spring weather with just a touch of heat.

Everything about this day screamed peace, happiness, and yet, she could not feel a single bit of it. All she could feel was her empty heart, her soul that always felt as if it were shattering on a daily basis. She could feel her overwhelming loneliness drowning her, making her feel as though she were suffocating. Her eyes carried so much weight, so much longing.

She'd come here in search of a temporary happiness she could latch onto, even if it was only for an hour, she just wanted to feel that type of joy again. However, it seemed as though that mission was becoming more and more impossible by the day. Now all she could do was watch the scattered families on the beach, wishing she could have what they have, people to care about, people to love. A sense of peace, relief, they'd grow old together and, when the time was right, die together.

That was what she wished for more than anything, that death could come to her, release her from her misery, her nightmarish and ever so lonely existence. It was a heavy toll to bear, knowing that even if she allowed herself to make connections with just one person, she'd have to spend the following decades watching them grow old while she never could, continuing her long, dreadful cycle of grief.


This was just something I had saved from a few months ago, pretty sure I got bored and wrote about an immortal person.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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