Part II

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  The morning after, Elizabeth could recall waking up to the empty feeling of Jackson's body beside her.

She sat upright and stepped onto the floor, the strong smell of the herb lingering in the air. It made her throat itch.

Upon dressing, she walked to the door, yet a second before she could turn the knob, she heard unfamiliar strong male voices outside. She halted.

Looking through the small creaked holes on the wooden walls, Elizabeth could not make out their faces clearly nor yet alone identify their voices. Yet from it, they sounded strong, gravelly and orotund. They spoke as if they were kings and everyone around them were peasants.

Elizabeth rolled her right eye through the hole, trying to get a clear picture of what was happening outside until her eye finally landed on a dark coated horse. A man was over it, boats high to his knees and a navy blue jacket over his white breeches. Many men were behind him in similar uniforms. Except, his looked stronger and the blue was a different brilliant navy blue. From all the countless insane achievements smiling over his chests and the decor on his horse, he may have been the superior there...

On everyone.

"Do you have an explanation for that?" The man spoke in his menacing voice. He sounded nearly like a father. Elizabeth grew without a father and yet she was able to at least familiarize this voice with a fathers. He sounded expectant of nothing but great achievement from everyone else.

"Sir it—"

Roman began before he cut him off. "I do not recall addressing that question to you, soldier".

Roman opened his mouth but shut it once more, only bowing his head apologetically. Jackson finally stepped in, dressed in that General uniform of his, standing ahead of four of his men and suddenly stepping ahead of Roman, as if asking him to stay out of the conversation.

He folded his arms behind him, his blue coat hiding the wrapped clothes around his forearm. She could only wonder how much pain he was in at that moment. The medicine was meant to be there to control the venom, however guaranteed you may still discover burns from it. However though, considering he made it through the night alive, he would be all alright in a week or two if he did not strain the hand and eventually the burn would heal up.

"Sir, I apologize for the disrespect—" Jackson spoke to this man without even looking at his eyes. Who was he? And seeing the way he humbled himself in front of him, this terrified Elizabeth.

"You have to teach them obedience and self-control, General", he said holding onto his horse. "As much as you have to do with yourself. You replaced the former General Faustino, you have to be better than him in this".

Jackson said nothing. Elizabeth knew how much he loathed being compared to others and still he bared it all.

"I must not come this whole way next time due to your childish behaviors. And whatever you caused a nuisance about in that market, it should have been valuable. Was it?" He looked at him and his men. The troops were confused as to whether to answer to it or not.

Elizabeth breathed sharply, wondering if they were speaking of her and the scene caused in the market nearly a week ago.

"It was, sir", Jackson said softly, head lowered and voice obedient like a child yet content with his response. The huge man only hummed. It was hard to tell whether he doubted his words or was satisfied.

"And that man, you were the one that killed him, were you not?" He added.

What man? Elizabeth thought.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now