Part II

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   "We have arrived", Roman said on cue as Jackson finished speaking. He got off his horse and towards the two, Jackson helping him carry Elizabeth into his arms.

Elizabeth flinched in pain a little, startling Jackson who got off his horse and ran into the house with Roman.

"Isabella!?" Roman exclaimed running past the kitchen and into the living room where his wife usually sat. Truly, there she was, her legs over the couch as she sipped on tea and read the newspaper.

"Well you're back ear—" she lost her voice as she faced the entry, seeing her husband carrying a black woman in his arms as Jackson stood by his side, both with a face of panic. She wondered if that face was of the woman.

"What is going on here?" She stood to her feet, her big girth catching Jackson by surprise again. He now felt terrible for coming to her when he clearly knew she was busy... busy being pregnant?

"Please, my wife has been shot a-and we... I have no idea what to do", Jackson walked towards her with plea.

"Your wife?" Isabella looked at Jackson in awe and back to the woman who lay with her eyes almost shut and blood on her abdomen, staining her bright dress even Isabella seemed to admire. Of course, she had questions, much like why was that his wife? She was black... he was white and a General.

"Isabella, questions later, solutions now", her husband said, reading her face quite well. She lifted her arms in the air, now panicking as well.

"Er fine! Fine! Take her to the guests room or something", Isabella said hurrying to the kitchen and taking a bottle of alcohol, a woolen cloth and basin of water. Jackson helped her carry the first two with his left useful hand.

"Isabella, I greatly apologize for the inconvenience but are you able to help my wife? Please", Jackson stood in front of her before she could walk out. She sighed and looked up at him, just as she did with every man.

"Sir, I can not make promises right now but I promise to do my best", she smiled at him with assurance, getting the items from him before walking around him and upstairs to the guest room her husband had taken Elizabeth to.

Jackson stood in the living room, his breath heaving and heart racing as he sweat. Almost subconsciously, he raised his left arm and punched the wall behind him next to the door, his hand breaking through the wood and partially to the other end.

He reached his arm back out and could feel the cuts against his fists and the blood escaping from his body. He withdrew his hand flew it to the wall again until stopping an inch further, realizing destroying someone house would not do him good. He ached for physical pain as the pain he felt within was unbearable and could not be treated by a bandage or medicinal herbs.

Jackson threw his arm to his side, sobbing and hitting his head against the wall, upset with himself most of all. He promised he would keep her safe and he failed. He had not only failed to keep that promise, he also failed her.

He failed everyone.

"What happened here?" Jackson heard his fathers voice, yet it sounded younger and not as rusty.

"Father?" He asked lifting his head and looking past the door and into the living room, where he saw the younger version of his father and brother standing at the front door as his mothers body lay dead in the middle of the living room. Jackson staggered back.

"You let her die?" Matthew asked, horror on his face as he walked towards his wife, holding her body in his arms.

No, none of this is real, Jackson thought, his heart beating against his chest once again and loudly. Too loud. Just like then, just like that day. He put his hands to his ears, shaking his head at everything to stop.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now