Untitled Part 1

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"We have to move now!" he shake her shoulders, Solar tried to pull her out of the trance. 

"no....NO! Clay is still holding them back all by himself! "

"We need to move! trust me he will be fine!"

 Solar muttered under his breath in anger. He hope that she would just listen to him once. once! just this time. and not do something stupid. Like running there. But we are talking here about Altariz

She began to move hesitantly towards the entrance he will be fine...right? she looked back worriedly, and saw that Clay was struggling to keep the barrier standing, he couldn't handle all these soldiers alone. 

She wasn't sure even she could

 Altariz hesitated for a second, during that time Solar grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the entrance of the cave. 

"there no time!" he yell at her almost begging

"I'm not going to leave anyone behind" Altariz shouted. She muttered a curse before yanking her hand from his grasp and ran towards her teammate with the weapon drawn in her hands.

 Solar didnt move, he cant go after her he not a fighter. he never was

 the cave will soon collapse Altariz thought to herself. So i better do it quickly. In the background she heard Solar shouting something  but it drowned out by the sounds of battle. she continued running. no time. Clay need help

i cant lose another one

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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