Long Days

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(Takes place a couple a days after Season 3 post ending scene)

Terry and Korvo are finally leaving work after a long work day they exit out of the building all sluggish like. The look in their eyes we're tired. They had a blank expression they wore on their faces. They headed to their car which was parked in the employee parking lot only a few cars were left. But it was extremely long since they were held back at work for making copys of useless documents. Once they entered the car the drive home from work felt long and neither Terry or Korvo spoke a single word to each other. Silence filled the car the entire car ride home. Once they arrived at the house it was very late. So once they opened the door to the house and the house was silent no sound even from the replicants or pupa. They both figured maybe they all went to bed since it was very late. Once they were inside the house both Terry and Korvo slumped on the couch. Too tired to go upstairs to their shared room.

Terry blinked a little before looking at his partner Korvo. Korvo closed his eyes a bit. Terry was the first to break the silence that was in the room. "Korvo, I can't take this anymore?! I hate working at this dead end job it's making me go insane just staying their even after hours!" Terry groaned. Korvo only responded with a hum which Terry didn't even appreciate was the only response he could get out of his husband. "Korvo aren't you even listening to what I'm saying?!".

Korvo opened his eyes and slowly turned to face his partner Terry who was looking at him with irritated expression. Korvo rolled his eyes and finally spoke "Keep it down... You know why we have to do this Terrance for the sake of the Pupa... Their is no point in us to complain about are pointless job where we will probably work till we drop." Terry looked at Korvo in disbelief at what he just heard Korvo sighed and continued talking "Terry look I'm just saying their no point in having this conversation at all and we just have to move on with are lives."

Terry noticed how Korvo's expression was blank showing no emotions it was like the Korvo he knew was gone... But he even felt himself gone most days now too but he just couldn't accept that and he knows probably deep down Korvo the real Korvo was still in their somewhere he had to try reaching out to him. So Terry put one of his hands on top of Korvo's and grabbed it tight but not tight enough to hurt Korvo. Terry looked down at the ground "Korvo I'm going to be real with you. I hate doing what's right for the sake of the Pupa and working at are dreadful job and not being me... I want to be like what we used to be more lively and have freedom. I want to feel like my old self and carefree not being held in a boring office all day. I want to feel like we're all a family." Terry looked back up to Korvo "But most importantly I want to be able to spend time with you and make memories with you... I don't know how long we have left until the Pupa terraforms and destroys this planet but I want to spend as much of my time with you because I love you Korvo and I mean that with all of my hearts." Terry saw Korvo's expression change to sadness. Korvo's eyes we're shiny and Terry knew now how Korvo really felt about this whole situation.

Korvo finally spoke "Terry, I-I also want to spend as much time with you and create new memories then what we have right now. But I also don't want to see a bad future for us but at the looks of it we are living in a bad future." Korvo sheds a few tears "Terry, I'm scared at what will happen if we don't do these things for the Pupa."

Terry's with his free hand wipes away the tears in Korvo's eyes and brings him into a hug. Korvo closes his eyes feeling the warmth of Terry from the hug they shared. They stayed in this position for awhile embracing themselves with each other feeling secured from the other and the warm feeling they shared together through the hug. Eventually they let go of each other. Korvo had stopped crying but still wore a sad expression. Terry shared the same expression and returned to hold onto Korvo's hand.

Terry slowly began to speak again "Korvo, I rather not look at what the future may lead to but I rather focus on the present and maybe just maybe we can change how things are right now and take it slowly." Terry softly squeezed his and Korvo's hands together and looked at him with a small smile. Korvo returned the smile.

"Thank you Terry, You always look at the bright side of bad things... Maybe your right maybe we could change how things are. I also want to live a good life with you Terry because I also love you very much" Korvo spoke. Korvo didn't know which one of them leaned in first to kiss the other but it was loving after all. Both Terry and Korvo smiled through the kiss but eventually the kiss ended. They looked at each other lovingly both of them wanting similar desires. "You know, maybe we can do something just us on are day off together?"

Terry brightly smiled and said "I'll love that very much." Korvo returned the smile.

"But anyway let's head to bed I know for a fact both of us are tired and we have to go to work early tomorrow so let's get some sleep before we become even more tired than we already are" Korvo spoke. Terry chuckled a bit but agreed.

"Yeah let's head up babe" Terry said softly. Both Terry and Korvo headed up to their shared room together. Once inside they took off their work attire and put on their pajamas and got on their sides of the bed. They shared one last finale kiss before saying their goodnights and cuddled up close together before falling into their slumper.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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