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It's 4:24 AM, and Kyle is still awake. He's been doing homework all night. His parents have no idea he's awake. Kyle sighed, and yawned. He rested his head on his desk. "Fuck me." He said, and sat back up again, and continued his homework. He stops for a second, and looks at his phone. He picks it up and goes to Spotify.
Stans POV

Stan hasn't been able to sleep, so he decided to go onto his phone. He looks at discord, and see's Kyle's status. "Listening to Spotify." He raised an eyebrow, and called Kyle.
Kyle's POV

Kyle's phone suddenly rings, and he flinched. He looked back at his phone. "Super best friend, is calling." He picked it up, and answered. "..What is it, dude." He asked. His voice was more tired then he realized. "Why are you awake right now?" Stan asked, curiously. "I'm kind of busy right now, Stan." Kyle groaned. "With what?" Stan asked, confused. "Homework." Kyle replied. Stan stayed silent for a moment. "...At 4:26 in the morning!?" He exclaimed. "Why?" He asked. He started to feel concerned. "It's due tomorrow." Kyle responded, sounding a bit annoyed. "Who fucking gives a shit. Your health is more important then this. Go to sleep?" Stan said, sighing. "Dude, I'm not gonna get a bad grade. I haven't gotten a bad grade in a long time." Kyle refused. He rolled his eyes. "Go to sleep, I'm busy." He said, about to hang up. "Kyle, it's not the end of the fucking world if you fail. Go to bed." Stan demanded. Kyle just groaned, and hung up. He put his phone back down. Stan was texting, and Kyle ignored it. He muted his phone and went back to doing his homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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