Chapter 1

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That evening the sky was dark and chilly. Maribel and Ali were heading through the crowded street of Barron. Both of them wearing their gray swimming team hoodies with jeans. Maribel's wet black hair was in a messy bun with some strands falling onto her pale face. Maribel had cherry lips and almost black eyes which she liked the most. They gave her some sort of uniqueness. Maribel liked being unique, uniqueness was fun and fun was always an adventure. Maribel loved adventure. Maribel's best friend Ali had short brown hair. She was cute with her short height and brown puppy eyes. They were talking about swimming and the competitions. When suddenly Ali asks if Maribel has someone she likes. Maribel ignores the question and continues talking about how their coach is too mean. 

"Come one, tell me?" whined Ali. 

"I have no one I like. Plus, who can I possibly like? The school has only idiots" answered Maribel, then added

"Dating will also take away my study time. How about you?" Maribel glanced at Ali, who smiled shyly. A grin started spreading on Maribel's face.

 "OMG, no way. really? Who is he or she? OMG, how come I know this only now? Describe him!" 

"Someone from my Geometry class. I started liking him recently. He has brown hair and, he's kinda tall. Oh and he always has this red jacket on." 

"I so have to talk with him. I'll be like: 'Do you like anyone? What family are you from? 'Then I'll stalk him and try to find out all his secrets". 

Maribel hugged Ali and added "I can't give up my Ali so easily". 

Ali placed her hand on top of Maribel's arm and said"Please don't, or I swear I'll pretend like I don't know you for like forever." 

Maribel made sad puppy eyes, hoping it came out well. Usually, the face fails completely. 

"Really? Can I at least look at his Facebook?"

 "Do whatever you want." 

The huge pharmacy was drawing near which was a cue for them to say goodbye. 

Maribel gave Ali a bear hug "Bye-bye, see you tomorrow."

 "Bye bye" Ali broke away from the hug and turned to the right while Maribel headed straight on Barron Ave.

 Maribel felt exhausted, who wouldn't after swimming for 3 hours? Her hair felt sticky and she really wanted to take a shower. She had about a mile left to walk till her home and when she did come home, piles of homework waited for her. Maribel looked up at the sky, she once read that God granted humans the ability to look up at stars to make them different from animals. She wanted to enjoy this gift and ever since it became a habit of hers. 

Maribel took out "Publication" and started reading it. She loved reading books, they gave her the adventure she lacked. Most of all she adored the romance in the stories. In "Publication" the main character Ayde loves books, this love leads her to meet Eun, who finds her lost library card. Right now Ayde is on a date with Eun, celebrating his birthday. The story looked ideal for Maribel, Eun was the perfect guy: smart, faithful and reliable. Maribel sighed, why do all perfect guys exist only in books she thought. It was getting too dark to read so Maribel looked up from the book and tried to orientate where she was. 

The street looked empty and it seemed she was somewhere near white ave. I really should stop reading and walking at the same time she thought. Maribel headed a little further down and noticed a guy standing at the end of the street, leaning on the traffic light. She almost didn't notice him because of his dark hair and suit. The closer she got to the stand the more awkward the air was becoming. Maribel wasn't very good at being alone with strangers and especially guys. Trying to look casual she faced the traffic light on the other side of the street and impatiently waited till it turned green. She felt the guy glance at her which only made her increasingly uncomfortable. Come on faster Maribel thought.

 Finally, the lights changed, Maribel stride as fast as she could. Less than halfway to the street she heard a car driving. She turned her head to the left and saw two bright lights zooming towards her. Her brain couldn't even react she just stood there until someone grabbed her right arm and pulled her forward. An agonizing pain hit her seconds later

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