S1 P1 - Meeting the squad

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- You stay outside and wait - said Keith firmly
- I know how to take care of myself and I could help you - answered Y/N doing puppy eyes
- My decision is final - Keith walked inside the machine

And now Y/N was waiting, standing next to the motor, wondering what's taking Keith so long. He used to be the best pilot in the school and he never had any problems on his missions. She was honestly starting to get worried. And then she saw him. Running with Shiro and ... three other boys? She had a feeling like she had seen them before but didn't have time to think where because Keith was shouting at her to start the vehicle. Few minutes later they were driving away, trying to escape from some goverment officers following them.

- What the fuck is going on Keith?! - shouted Y/N
- Language Y/N - shouted back Keith
- Who are those people? - she screamed
- You don't know me? - asked the brown haired one suprised
- Not really - answered Keith
- I am your biggest enemy! Lance?
- Doesn't really hit the bell - said Y/N
- Watch out - screamed Keith protecting Y/N from being shot

While trying to run away from the cops Y/N and boys found themselfs in some big, weird cave.
- Uhh, guys? - shouted Lance
They walked to him and find ... big, blue, mecha lion?
- Any ideas what the hell is this? - asked Y/N
- Well lets find out -answered Lance, walking inside it
The group followed him.
- It's a ship! - said Pidge
- Well, I'm a great pilot, so why don't we try this out - said Lance, sitting on the pilot place
- Uhhh, Lance, why are we going in space? - asked Hunk
- I don't know. It looks like it's flying by itself - answered Lance
- You are not controlling it?! - screamed Keith
They didn't really have time to argue, because they imediatelly went into some portail and start landing on some strange planet. They stepped out to see giant, futuristic castle.
- Wow - said Y/N mesmerized
- Let's go Y/N, we don't know if it's safe here - spoke Keith, grabing her hand
They group went into the building. After a while they discovered some capsules with bodys in it. Y/N stepped back a little scared. Keith seeing her reaction, hold her hand stronger. No matter what was going on, he was ready to protect her. The capsules opened and a beautiful lady and ginger haired man fell out. Lance imediatelly ran to the women asking her if she was okey.
- What is going on? Who are you? Where is my father? - she asked
- Princess Allura, are you okey? - asked the man
- My name is Lance - said brown haired boy, trying to flirt.
The women wasn't interesting in his attempts at all. She was looking around the room, confused.
- I need to know what happened - she claimed

- You need to find the reast of the lions before Zarkon - said Allura
- There are more? - Y/N asked Keith, whispering
- Forming a Voltron is our only chance - some hologram appered - The Green Lion is the most adventurous of all the lions. It is also the most upgraded of all the lions. Pidge - you will become a Green Lion Palladin. You will find him in Temple on the Jungle Planet. Shiro will go with you.
Pidge smiled proudly.
-Hunk, the Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron,you will lift the team up and hold them together - contintued Allura - You and Lance will go to Galra Empire planetoid to search for it
- Don't worry princess. It won't be a problem at all - said Lance
- Two lions are already here. The blue one already chose him Paladin. The Black Lion is a head, leader. That's why you Shiro will pilot him. But firstly we need to find the rest ones
- Excuse me - interuped Y/N - What about us?
- The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone - answered Allura - You, Keith will pilot him. Unfortunalty we don't know where it is. You and Y/N will stay there waiting until it reveal itself

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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