A boring day as ever...

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???: "Heeeeeeeeyyyy!!!"

I see a energetic girl running toward me from the distance, waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself.

That girl is Sayori, my neighbor and good friend since we were children.

You know, the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today, but it just kind of works out because you've known each other for so long?

We used to walk to school together on days like this, but starting around high school, she would get up extremely early and I would get tired of having to go to school half awake, so I tend to just sleep in.

But if she's going to get into the habit of getting up at a decent time, then I may just start waiting for her again after all.

I sigh with a smile and idle in front of the crosswalk, allowing for sayori to catch up to me.

Sayori: "Haaaaahhhh, haaa-HI!"

Sayori's sunny disposition returns after only a few breaths, but that's to be expected of someone like her.

Username: "Sayori? What happened? Did you oversleep or something?"

Sayori: "Oversleep? Me? No! Haha."

Sayori: "Well.....okay, maybe I did."

Username: "Why do you look so upset? You know that most people get up and go to school around this time, right?"

Sayori: "Yeah! I know! It's just......"

Username: "Just?"

Sayori: "I like to get up earlier then this! So I'm not used to it!"

Username: "And, therefore, it feels wrong."

Sayori: "Exactly!"

I shake my head as Sayori sticks out a tongue cutely.

Username: "Typical Sayori....."

Username: "So, why did you oversleep anyway? Your friends sick or something?"

Sayori: "Them? No way! They're too tough to get sick!"

Username: "I don't know if tough is the right word...."

Sayori: "The reason I overslept is because I was getting things ready!"

Username: "Ready? Ready for what?"

Sayori raises a finger, and taps me on the nose.

Sayori: "You'll just have to wait and see!"

Wait and see? Wait and see what? Knowing Sayori, it's probably yet another club she's trying to get off its feet. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm going to join or something.

Username: "Whatever you say..."

Sayori: "Teehee!"

We cross the street together and make our way to school.

As we draw near, the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute.

Sayori: "By the way, Username..."

Sayori: "Have you decided on a club to join yet?"

Oh great.

Username: "Sayori...."

Sayori: "Wha-What? What's with that face all of the sudden?!"

Username: "Could it be that what caused you to oversleep was......preparations you were making for a new club?"

Sayori: "Uuuuuummmm...."

I sigh as Sayori turns away, an embarrassing look smeared across her face.

Sayori: "Maybe...."

I shake my head.

Username: "Sayori, as much as I appreciate you asking me-"

Sayori: "But I didn't ask!"

Username: "Were you going to?"

Sayori turns away once more.

Sayori: "Uh......no?"

Username: "Yeah right, look, I do appreciate the gesture, but most of the clubs you help start are....."

Sayori: "Are what?"

Username: "Are not the types of clubs I'd join!"

Sayori: "Waaaah?! Oh come on Username! How do you know you wouldn't like this club?"

Username: "Is it anything to do with Manga, games, or Anime?"

Sayori: "Manga or.......hmm...."

Username: "Then I won't join!"

Sayori: "Waaaah!"

Those infamous puppy dog eyes of hers pop up as she stares at me with a saddened look.

Sayori: "Username! Please!"

Username: "No way Sayori! I'm sorry, but I have no doubt in my mind that this club won't be anything like what I want to join!"

Sayori: "HMPH!"

I guess the reason she's being more adamant this year is because my promise to her.

During the break, I told her that I would try and socialize more, and she suggested getting into a club. I was hoping that she would forget about it before the time for school started, but I should've known that this is what she'd do...

Suddenly, a devious smile appears on Sayori's face as she turns to face me once more.

Sayori: "Alright, fine, you don't have to come, but can you do me a big favor?"

Username: "And what's that?"

Sayori: "After classes are over, can you help me move some more stuff into the club room?"

Username: "What? But weren't you doing a lot of hard work yesterday to get the club ready?"

Sayori: "Just because I'm exhausted doesn't mean I'm done!"

Sayori winks at me.

Sayori: "Besides, if I'm able to get the club done, then that means more members can come! And I can forget about you joining!"

Sayori suddenly looks away, her eyes narrowed as she laughs nervously.

Sayori: "Haha, I didn't mean it like that.....oopsie!"

I sigh.

As usual, Sayori is trying to use her own twisted logic to bend me into doing whatever she wanted.

Most likely, she wants me to bring the club supplies to the room so that I can bask in the glory of the club and it's new members and get a desire to join.

What Sayori doesn't know, is that I'm ahead of her little plan, and I know that if I do this and still show no interest, then she'll leave the topic alone...

However....this does mean that....

Username: "Ugh, fine...I'll bring the supplies!"

Sayori: "Great! The room is 222, you can't miss it!"

Sayori then takes off in a full on sprint as she waves back at me.


I yell to her.


My words fall on deaf ears as Sayori gets closer and closer to the school building.

Now all that's left to do, is to wait patiently for Sayori's extremely awkward escapade to be over and my life to continue like it was before....

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