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Like I said in the description this is an interactive series in which you guys will post the Alt history timelines you want and I will be writing some in my own, this is purely because I need inspiration and motivation to write my other stories and to blow off some steam and stress and sort out a few things.

I will be writing about the following things (not in chronological order)
1- What if Napoleon never lost
2-What if the Mongols never collapsed
3-what if the Ummayyads never collapsed and kept Spain and took Constantinople

I will be writing several others that I have not mentioned and they may even show up before the mentioned ones, so be sure to enjoy and remember, this is an interactive series so you are more than welcome to help by giving more suggestions in the comments

I will start writing in a few hours and will wait for suggestions (no need to rush I'm not going anywhere lol).

Thanks for reading and Enjoy!

Alternate History of the Earth [exploring 2 Scenarios of Every Possible Event] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon