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Miles happily made his way towards the well known cafe, feeling elated by the news his teacher had given him.


"Sorry Morales," the teacher started, setting down her phone, "but it seems like she's a bit busy at the moment caught up by whatever it is. Just go ahead and enjoy the rest of your day, but make sure that you come here the following day as soon as possible, okay?"


Maybe good luck really does exist! Instead of spending time being tutored by some random stranger he barely knows, he's going to be hanging out with his best friend, also known as his roommate; Ganke.

He soon found himself standing in front of his desired destination, ' Foam Party '.

He guided himself inside and made his way towards a table by the window, nearby the cashier's position, and took out his phone.

(Your friendly neighborhood)
Ganke, where you at?

Funny how for the first time Miles had actually arrived earlier than Ganke. He placed his earbuds in played his classic playlist with his one and only favorite song as its first one; Sunflower.

'Needless to say I keep her on check.'

He sat there for a few seconds, enjoying his moment before someone stood beside him and handed him the menu. Miles took the menu and skimmed through it without giving the person a single glance.

"This looks nice, I think I'll have it." He said pointing out his order and handing back the menu to the anonymous figure.

"Good choice. Would you like anything else?" The figure asked.

"Well.... No not really..." He started as he slowly turned to face the figure, "If there's anything good I'd like to know abo--..." It was as if time slowed down as Miles'eyes landed on the figure before him.

'Callin' it quits now baby I'm a wreck.'


The figure before him didn't look like any other ordinary man in the streets, or, in this case, woman.

Her (H/c) (Curly/ straight) hair was tied into a low pony tail. Her bangs brushed against her soft glowing (S/c) skin. The (E/c) hues that were staring at Miles reminded him of the calm ocean tides during a warm summer afternoon. According to him she looked gorgeous in her yellow hoodie and black jeans that she wore, making her white converse shoes match with her outfit completely perfect. What made her look adorable to him was the green apron she wore with the name ' foam party ' written in calligraphy.

The girl infront of him was absolutely stunning. No--actually, that's an understatement.

Miles could practically hear his heart racing inside his chest as his cheeks began to heat up. He was lost, lost in a daze, lost because of her, her beauty and presence.

It was somehow so enchanting to him. No, it was even intoxicating.


The world around him went from loud annoying noise to nothing but quiet mumbles as all he could hear was the music blaring in his ears as he gazed at her, lost of words.

'She's a sunflower ~'

STUDY BUDDIES // Miles Morales Where stories live. Discover now