The Trial

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Andrew drew a deep breath, he closed his eyes trying to hide the tears in his eyes.

"Andrew", he opened his eyes after his lawyer Grace Kondowe tapped him on the shoulder. He looked around the place, looking at the tall building standing firm in front of him. This was not his first time being here, but this time was different; it was about him.

"Will this work out in our favour? ", Andrew asked looking at his lawyer

"That will be for the judge to decide. However, I promise to give it my best", Grace said with a weak smile. She knew it was going to be hard to win the case but she hoped that her ancestral spirits would help her turn the tables within the night. They went in and took their sits, Grace couldn't help but wonder how she was going to win against the plaintiff's attorney who had only lost two cases in his entire career.

"All rise, this court is now in session", the bailiff said as the judge walked in, "Judge Mary presiding, and please be seated"

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of Miss Susan Banda, a lecture at Mikuni University, who is suing Mr Andrew Natola, a student at the University, for sexual assault. Are both sides ready? ", the judge looked at the two lawyers

"Yes your Honour", they answered

"Go ahead then", the judge said

"Thank you your Honour", Mr Edwin the plaintiff's lawyer said, "The defendant has been charged with section 18 assault which involves wounding someone with intent. The evidence will prove that on Monday 19th of June 2020 this man here", he said pointing at Andrew, "assaulted my client Miss Susan in her office"

"Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client faces a serious offense, he is charged with assault and due to this his life and education is on the line. With the evidence I have, you will come to know that he has been wrongly accused, it is actually the opposite"

"Mmmmmmm", the audience started murmuring

"Order!", said the bailiff

"My client went to Miss Susan's office to submit his assignment that was due on Monday the 19th of June. Then she assaulted him and in attempt to save herself she twisted the truth"

"Plaintiff's lawyer please bring in your first witness", the judge said adjusting her glasses

"I call my client Miss Susan", Mr Edwin said

"Please raise your right hand", the bailiff said to Miss Susan, "do you swear to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but then truth"

"I do solemnly sincerely and truly declare that I shall speak of the truth and nothing but the truth", Miss Susan swore to the court.

"Could you describe to the court what happened on the 19th of June 2020?"

"I was in my office when Mr Andrew came to submit his assignment. I asked him to leave it on the table, he then took a sit in front of me. I thought he wanted to ask about school stuff, then he asked 'madam do you like me?' and I thought it was one of those jokes students liked. 'Yes' that is what I said with a smile. He then stood up and came closer to me, 'I like you a lot' he said and I took a step back, he grabbed my waist and pushed me against his chest. I tried to free myself, ''don't pretend like you don't like this'', he whispered to my ears as he forced his lips on mine. Then I slapped him, he got furious and chocked me on the neck. In the process of trying to free myself he tore my blouse exposing my chest area. Then someone knocked on the door", Miss Susan said wiping her tears

"Defence lawyer would you like to cross examine the witness? ", the judge asked

"No your Honour"

"Plaintiff's lawyer you may call your next witness", the judge said

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