I Got Too Close (Now I'm Burning)

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Title from: No Silhouette by DPR Ian. No Moodboard.

4k, 3rd Person POV Omniscient.

Relationships: Yuta/Taeyong, implied OT9

Summary: "It's so hot, I'm so fucking hot Tae, please, please just make me cum, please I'll be good, I promise, I need your cock so bad, make it better!" Yuta pleads, hips kicking up to brush against Taeyong's.

"Wait, wait. Do you think he's drugged?" Haechan asks, and all their heads snap towards him.


Alt: Yuta gets slipped an aphrodisiac at the bar and the effects come to the forefront once he makes it back to the dorm.

Warnings: Non-Con Drugging (someone spikes Yuta's drink at a bar), Aphrodisiacs, implied bottom/sub yuta, mildly dubious consent (they touch a little before they realise yuta is drugged), mild degradation (used to make yuta to pay attention), some humour, not too serious, not beta read.

Note: this basically serves to be something quick and fast because ive had so many long oneshots dropping recently, just wanted something easy to do. the point of this is not to discuss pain/mental recovery from being non-con drugged, just to show the night it happened and the morning after. not my highest quality work because i finished writing the whole thing on a note that CRASHED and was unable to be recovered so i had to rewrite. plus i dont think a drug like this exists irl but i certainly was not about to get put on a watchlist for googling it. 


Yuta blinked at the girl who was standing in front of him in the bar.

"Uhm, hi!" she smiled brightly, and Yuta smiled tensely at her.


"You're really attractive," she told him, toying with a pendant on her neck.

"Thank you." He replied. She was pretty, but Yuta wasn't interested in her. He was only at the bar to spend some time away from the dorm, but he had plenty of partners there who were waiting for him and he wasn't interested in anyone else.

He was a little drunk too, maybe a little past tipsy and he wouldn't touch anyone he didn't know at this point of inebriation, just out of protection for his career.

She leans a little closer and he leans back, before she looks at the bartender and asks, "Can I get another one of whatever he already ordered?"

"Ah, that isn't necessary—"

"No, No, I insist. I just wanted to get you another one, free of charge because you're so polite."

He laughs, flashes her a smile, grateful that she's sweet even though he obviously showed distance. He wonders if she knows who he is or if she found him attractive despite that.

He wouldn't accept a drink from someone he didn't know in a bar, but it was being delivered to him directly, no chance for it to be tampered with and so he didn't mind. She bought it for him and it would be set down in front of him instead of her.

He watches as his drink is made, but he can see that her eyes don't really leave him.

"Are you Korean?" she asks.

Maybe she doesn't know. It's nice if she doesn't.

"No, Japanese."

"Your Korean is great, even though you're drunk."

"Thank you," he says, even though he's been speaking this language for years and knows it's good.

"Here's your drink." The bartender says, setting it down in front of him.

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