Chapter 10

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Andy: "Ethan and Luke have finished their simulation round, unfortunately, it was cut short, but we've seen what we needed to see. Next up, we will have Charlotte and Nisha."

Charlotte and Nisha look at each other.

Charlotte: "Why do I have to work with... her?"

Nisha: "Can I at least get someone more useful?"

Charlotte: "I'm more useful than you'll ever be."

Nisha: "In your dreams."

Charlotte: "As if you're good enough to be in my dreams."

Andy: "Ladies, cut it out. You're not always going to be in the field with someone you like, so this is perfect. Go into the operation room and tell the operator what weapons you'd like simulated."

Nisha and Charlotte enter the operation room.

Charlotte: "I want to switch it up this time. Let me get a spear."

Nisha: "I'll take a dagger."

Operator: "Alright then, just grab your body suits and enter the simulation room."

Nisha and Charlotte enter the simulation...

Chapter 10

Nisha and Charlotte are simulated in a car heading towards their location.

Operator: "A bank robbery has been reported in Central Tek, with hostages being held. Your job is to negotiate and get the hostages out safely. The robbers aren't important, but if you're able to apprehend them, that's a plus. There are five of them."

Nisha: "Do we get any backup?"

Operator: "We'll send in four more simulated officers."

Andy: "Good call, understanding when you're not favored in a situation and asking for backup," Andy thinks to himself.

The car arrives at the bank.

Charlotte: "Try not to hold me back, okay?"

Nisha: "It's just a negotiation, stop being annoying."

Four simulated officers appear in front of Nisha and Charlotte.

Simulated Officer 1: "Who's in command here?"

Nisha and Charlotte: "I am."

Nisha: "Rock, paper, scissors."

Charlotte: "Okay."

Nisha and Charlotte: "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

Charlotte shows paper.

Nisha shows rock.

Charlotte: "Lowly peasant, you can't beat me."

Nisha: "Best of three!"

Charlotte: "Nope," she says with a smile.

Simulated Officer 2: "We need to hurry up, remember there are hostages."

Nisha: "Fine."

Charlotte: "Alright, guys. There are five of them. Luckily, there are only two exits, one in the front and one in the back. Assuming they're armed, we need to be careful. So, how about this? Two of you guard the back to make sure no one escapes. The four of us will try to get the hostages out safely."

Simulated Officers: "Right!"

Nisha: "A surprisingly good strategy from someone like you."

Charlotte: "Shut up and follow my orders, peasant. You're in the back with one of the simulated officers."

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