The Sun Over Stars Hallow

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*beep beep*
The sound of his truck horn piercing the cool noon air
- That's Dean, I gotta go, Mom, love you.


Don't be out too late, there will be food in the fridge when you get home if you are hungry

- Okay Mom, bye

- Love you to

* beeeeeep beep *

- Goodbye Mom!

- Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

- Ahh so nothings off limits?

- Funny, no drinking, no smoking, definitely no drugs

- I'm leaving now mom

- and definitely no s-

- I'm closing the door now

Finally on the porch of your house, you let out a small sigh, getting lost in thought on the porch another minute goes by, Dean watching you from his car contemplating disturbing the mesmerizing peace.

Dean slowly getting lost in the breathtaking moment snaps back to reality and gives a light press on the horn of his truck

Startled a bit but now back from cloud nine, you let a light giggle holding eye contact with Dean. He nervously looks away laughing to himself a little in embarrassment

Beginning to fiddle with the small anxiety ring on your finger, you walk over to Dean, a smile plastered on his face, Rolling down the window he opens his
Mouth and begins speaking.

- You look great

-thank you

-Cmon get in I got a surprise for you

-Ooo surprises, scary

Dean lets out yet another charming laugh followed by that signature smile

You get into Dean's truck and he just begins driving through town

-Soooo where are we gonna go? Food? Luke makes a mean burger

-Surprise remember?

-Right.. wellll can I get a hint?

Well then it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?

-I guess not, but-

-No buts, no hints, just trust me, please?


-Not even oneee hint?

-Not even one

-No fun

-you know, your one amusing girl

Dean says smiling

-Time skip 5 mins-

Dean aimlessly drives the path, one hand on the steering wheel, thumb tapping to whatever song plays on the radio. He's hard not to watch, long shaggy hair flapping in the wind of the opened window, eyes glistening in every passing street light. Looking away from Dean you shift your focus to the window, watching the sky's cool hues shift to its warmer tones showing the very near night.

Dean removed his focus from the long stretch of road ahead and glances at you watching your hypnotic gaze study the beautiful sky.

Looking at your ear-to-ear grin Dean slows his pace on the road to take in the view. He slowly places his hand on yours, interlocking and intertwining your individual fingers with one another as he comes to a complete stop you look him in his eyes, the golden oranges piercing through the cold brown hues reflecting the sky as it begins to set

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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