The Amusement Park with Sea Salt Ice cream

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                                                         featuring Axel/Lea and Saix/Isa

"Thank you for inviting me over, Roxas. It's a good idea that Axel and Isa can go on their date and we get to spend time with each other."

Xion smiles and Roxas chuckles nervously as he remembers Isa and Axel bombarded him with tons of advice about girls. The more they gave advice, the more Roxas questioned them about it to which Isa raised his eyebrow to Lea as he muttered, "This man is gonna be the death of me."

Roxas felt a cold presence and as he turned around. "Someone here," he says in his thoughts.

"Roxas? Come on!" Xion grabs his wrist making Roxas yelp in surprise as he feels his cheeks getting hot on his face.

In the distance, Isa karate-chops on Lea's head, making Lea wince in pain. "OW!!" "I told you you were getting close!" Lea makes a sad puppy face and Isa sighs in disappointment, shaking his head.

Roxas and Xion went to the synthix ride. At first Xion regretted the idea but Roxas makes a bet that whoever can be the bravest, the loser has to obey the winner "EVERY" command at the end of the date.

Xion agreed and went on with it with Roxas. Xion attempts to make a poker face, but Roxas can see it through her eyes. Feeling guilty, he goes taking her hand gently and uses his thumb rubbing it, to assure her comfort.

In Xion's eyes, the lighting on Roxas as he takes her hand smiling softly on her, it made her not want to forget this memory at all in her life.

The ride started and as the machine goes up and down, Roxas got nervous but as he looks at Xion, his icy blue eyes looked at her as she was smiling and yelling in excitement. Seeing her smiling brightly, he knew that he wanted to see that smile on her face and he wanted to keep it like this.

When the ride was over, Xion was bouncing around and Roxas was smiling softly at her. But he stopped smiling as the cold presence got to him. As he did, he saw Lea and Isa arguing in the distance and sighs in disappointment but he let it slide as he goes buying sea salt ice cream. He brought two as he went, giving one to Xion nervously as Xion smiles thanking him.

"I hope she gets to see the message on the popsicle."

Roxas takes her hand as they went to the clock tower at their usual spot. The happiness, the sadness, the angriest, the confusion, the loneliest memories each of them have, to Roxas, he can't forget them.

"Thank you for inviting me, Roxas, I really like our date!" Xion said and Roxas, nervously nodded his head, as he looked away embarrassed as he made one of his hands to a fist covering his blushing cheeks.

"Hey Xion...I heard that if you look at the popsicle, and your other half gets it, you destiny with each other is set in stone." Xion's eyes are full of excitement as she eats the rest of her ice cream.

But then, when she finishes it, she saw a question and her blush increase more.

"Will you be my first kiss?"

Xion looks at Roxas and Roxas leans in and makes a peck to her lips. When he pulls away, Xion smiles as she kisses his cheek in response.

"ISA! THEY KISSED! You owe me 2,000 munny and a month of Ice-Cream!" Lea said and Isa goes sighing but he smiles smug.

"Well then, seems you're gonna be responsible on parenting from now on~" 

N/A: This is my first time writing and publishing a wholesome story so I hope you enjoy them. @Chii_Q, I want to say thank you for giving me this idea, you are amazing! 

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