The Dragon of Meltor

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Lady Vess is shown sitting on her throne but with a dark presence. "Hm... where are these fools?" Then one of the guards standing next to Lady Vess says "Should we go find them?"

They all have a scared face when the one batch of the army barges into the door. "We have your food" says one of the army guys.

He walks up to Lady Vess holding the body of a child. "Is this all?" she says with a confused look on her face. Another army guy walks up with a rabbit in his hands. Lady Vess doesn't even ask, she simply walked up to him and cut his throat with her claws.

She yells out "I hope you guys don't think of me as some fool." With an angry face. The guards say "We dont Lady."

She tells the guards "Then don't try to stop me." As she walks up to the army and they immediately fall on the floor dead.

The guards say "What just happened?" An army guy is the only one left, he is scared and shaking. Lady Vess looks at him and he runs away instantly.

She walks into her room as she gets uplifted by some dark magic. She says some weird spell.

She sits in her throne as she says "Bring me the highest." The guards have a confused look on their faces. She says "The Dragon of Meltor."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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