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"Solve for x." The teacher instructed.

Everyone immediately buried their heads in their books, trying to solve the almost impossible equation. As expected, twelve minutes have passed and no one has found the correct answer yet.

Miles stared at his book, thinking of every possible way of solving the question. 'Oh I know!' he said to himself. He began to scribble in his book as he mumbled his calculations. He felt more and more confident when he saw his calculations get closer and closer to the choices they were given.

And..... Done! He smiled victoriously, feeling proud of his hardwork. He took a look at his book and soon realized the calculation took a whole page. He was shocked but still proud, 'This page was worth it...' he told himself before looking at the choices.

The answer is choice......






Uhm... Okay... How do I explain this..? The choices were;

A). 2.3 B). 3.2
C). 1.8 D). 6.0

And according to Miles'calculations, his exact answer was....

' 4637890 '

You know what? It's not too late to drop out of school. Besides, I can always work at Foam Party. Wait a minute... That's kinda like a win-win for me! I don't get to do math and I have all the time in the world to admire the waitress... Who knows? Maybe she's working there because she's also not good in Ma--

"The answer is choice 'C'." A sudden voice spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention. The whole class turned to face the girl at the back.

"Correct Ms (L/n). Would you like to explain how and enlighten the rest of the class?" The teacher suggested, holding out a chalk.

The said female stood and made her way towards the front, taking the chalk from the teacher and began to explain.

"You see, the equation may look complex, but in reality it's the easiest one out there. I finished my work eleven minutes ago, waiting for one of you to grab the spot light and state the correct answer, but, expectations met reality. I won't lie I had troubles in the beginning but I ended up completing it in the end and here is why. You see, first you--...."

Miles' mind completely switched off as his full attention was fixed on the girl at the front. The same girl he had admired at the cafe. The same girl he had experienced the awkward moment with....


He was in a daze, a daze because of her, her beauty and presence.

Miles couldn't comprehend what he was feeling nor what he was doing. He just found himself gazing at the girl waiting infront of him. He took notice of her lips moving. They looked soft and slightly pink.

Her voice was sweet as well. He couldn't hear what she was saying clearly, but the quiet mumbles from her was enough to satisfy him. She really did drop from heaven...


She could practically challenge the Mona Lisa.


But something is not right. Her lips were moving but no voice was heard.

"Y-- oka--?"

Miles took a moment to reboot and soon realized what was happening only when he suddenly heard a voice yell, "HEY!"

He jolted out of surprise and turned back to the girl, "Y-- yeah! Yeah. Uhm.." he cleared his throat, "Yeah...?" He asked in a semi deep voice tilting his head to the side and narrowing his eyes in an attempt to look 'cool'. You can already guess how that went.

The girl was taken aback, though she was not as surprised as Miles wanted or at what he wanted. "Did-- did you really just try to use that on me--? Nevermind-- yes, anything else?"

There was a moment of silence as Miles internally smacked himself across the face, 'YOU STUPID!' he told himself.

"Uh... No... I'm fine with what I ordered." He told her. She nodded in understanding and tried her best to smile politely as per 'Foam Party's' instructions and left the flustered male.

Miles sighed and slumped down in his chair, feeling defeated. 'What a great first impression...'


Honestly, how did he fail to notice her sooner? She was literally in the same school in the same Math class. 'You have no game Miles, absolutely no ga--'



Miles was taken by surprise when the teacher suddenly appeared infront of him, banging his hands on the boy's desk, making him jolt and fall backwards out of surprise.

He quickly stood once he heard the quiet giggles from his classmates. "Y--yes sir!" He said.

The teacher stared at him keenly before turning to the female at the front. "Ms (L/n), please give Mr Morales the piece of chalk, I would like for him to demonstrate for us how to work out the equation."

The (H/c) haired female did as she was told and gave the boy the piece of chalk. Miles' cheeks began to heat up by the skin contact he made with the female before she walked away. As she passed the boy, he could've sworn that she smelt like oranges.

His moment was cut short once he heard the teacher clear his throat and looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" He asked making Miles stare at him in confusion. "Do the question on the board!" The teacher instructed.

As expected, Miles struggled to do the question they were all just taught. There was snickering here and there as he proceeded to try again.

"Heard you are to tutor someone. Pray that it's not Morales." Bethany, one of the popular girls in the class, whispered to (Y/n) before giggling at her own attempted 'joke'.

The quieter female simply rolled her eyes, "Shove off Beth. Not everyone can be good at something." The ginger haired girl sighed before turning to her friends and telling them the same, except, this time they all laughed along with her.

(Y/n) rested her head on her palm, watching as Miles got lectured by the teacher. She narrowed her eyes gazing at him as Bethany's voice rang in her mind. She doesn't know why, but she felt like her 'friend' wasn't technically lying. This is kind of like a sign. She sighed shaking her head, 'No time to think of that, I have to study.'

Well, let's just say expectations actually met expectations.

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