Denying it

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It was a bright morning and a girl named Perla, was awoken by her mother, to clean. Ugh, she despised cleaning a lot but she had no choice, her brother David was already helping, mopping the tiled floor.

"Dammit" Perla muttered under her breath as she yawned

"Sabes muy bien que quiero mi casita limpiecita Perlita y David" Her mother said
(You know really well that I want my house nice and clean)

"Si, si mama" Perla said, rubbing her eyes, she didn't like that she had to clean every weekend in the morning
(Yes, yes mom)

As David was taking out the trash, he spoke to Perla

"Idiot, you've been hanging out with that girl quite ALOT lately" he said, throwing the trash outside

Perla was confused, she didn't know any other girls other than her best friends and Kelsey, but then something struck to her. She thought for a moment and realized she's been hanging out with Kelsey most of the time. She blushed a bit for some reason

"Y-You mean my friend Kelsey..?" The Hispanic girl spoke

"Yeah stupid, wasn't it obvious? Do you like her or something?" David spoke, leaning towards Perla a bit

"WHAT!? No!" Perla cried, she definitely didn't like Kelsey more than that, they're friends, isn't that weird..? Perla was sure she's just into men

"I can see you blushing there—" David tried speaking but Perla and David's mom cut their argument

"¿cual es el chisme de hoy?" The mother leaned in towards the both of them, this caused Perla to turn into a tomato
(What's the gossip for today?)

"¡¡N-NADA MAMA!!" Perla said, pretending to be sweeping to avoid getting her ass beaten as she blushes hard

"Si, nada" David added, all he did was smirk at his sister, she DEFINITELY was hiding something
(Yes, nothing)

*it now timeskips to where Perla is finally done cleaning*

"Ya pienso que es todo. ¡Gracias Perla y David! Ya pueden estar en sus aparatos" She said
(I think that's all. Thank you Perla and David! You guys can now be on your electronics)

"Ay, ¡por fin!" David sighed, he looked at Perla and as she was trying to go back to her room, David got in front of her
(Ah, Finally!)

"Just say you really like that Kelsey girl sis" he smirked

"David shut up I'm straight!" She said, crossing her arms, she returned to blushing a bit, maybe she DID like her...

"Well, if you insist" David shrugged, adjusted his glasses and walked off to his room to be a gamer for a few hours

Perla sighed, and decided to get some fresh air, she packed a back with some stuff like a few snacks, put on some sunscreen, grabbed her water bottle, a few dollars Incase she wanted to buy something and she was now ready!

"¡Ya me voy afuera mamá!" Perla said before opening the front door
(I'm going outside mom!)

"¡Esta bien cuídate mija!" Her mother said
(That's fine take care sweetie!)

Perla opened the front door, walked out and closed it behind her, she took a deep breath of the fresh air and began walking, she saw a girl up in the distance.. who could that be?

"Is that.. Kelsey..?" Perla muttered

"Hey girlypop whats up?" Kelsey chuckled with a wink, she stopped her motorcycle and moved her orange glossy hair out of the way. This caused Perlas blush to slowly spread across her face

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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