Chapter 4

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Ashton on the dance floor (above)

Michael did show up that night to see what all the commotion was about. He had to break the sad news about Calum. Which Mali Koa was not very happy about. Then he went with her to the police station to go make a statement. Then told her that they could go out for the night to have a chat about everything. Michael told Luke that Brandi was in charge of Club Wildflower tonight as he needed him at Club Teeth rather tonight. So Luke was not impressed but unfortunately he knew what Michael and Mali had to talk about, which was much more important.

As Luke entered the club he saw a lonely Ashton sitting at the bar. So he decided to approach him and be friendly. " Hey there. You seem lonely tonight." Luke said shyly. "Oh hi, Angel. Did not see you coming. I must be dreaming right now." Ashton flirted. "Oh stop it. You big flirt." Luke blushed as he lightly smacked Ashton's shoulder. "What? I'm only telling the truth." Ashton insisted. The next moment Ashton's eyes lit up. "This is like my favorite song ever, come dance with me!" Ashton begged Luke. "No way I don't dance and I'm in charge tonight. So even if I wanted to I can't." Luke replied. "Awe, you're no fun. But I am still going to dance, bye." Ashton said and took off to the dance floor .

As the song was playing Luke saw Ashton grinding himself against some dude. But before he could properly react to that Ashton decided to jump on the nearest table and give everyone a show. He decided to let the same guy that was with him on the dance floor carry on grinding himself on Ashton as Ashton saw that he was getting Luke impatient. "Get down Ashton!" Luke screamed. "What! Can't hear you!"Ashton shouted back. "I said GET DOWN!" Luke screamed angrily at Ashton. "Um, no. I'm enjoying myself." Ashton insisted. Luke just looked at Ashton as if he could kill and sat down on the nearest spot. Ashton noticed he was getting Luke riled up so he got down from the table and walked up to Luke. "Thank goodness you listened to me." Luke said just before Ashton got a evil glint in his eyes and decided to give Luke a little surprise. Ashton decided to give Luke a lap dance as the song was carrying on. "W-what are you doing? Get off my lap." Luke scolded Ashton. "Ok, as you wish." Ashton said. The next thing Ashton went back to the table but left Luke hot and bothered as Luke realized that he had a problem. And Ashton knew what he just had done so he decided to tease Luke futher. The same guy was still dancing on the table but Ashton decided to get some hot horney girls to go and join dancing on the bar with them. That pissed Luke off. He went up to the dj and cut the music which made everyone upset then made a announcement that the club got closed for the night as Michael needed some time to sort this whole Calum thing out. Ashton knew that he was lying so he decided to stay behind to chat to Luke.

"Why may I ask did you shut down the club?" Ashton asked Luke. "I told you guys Michael said so." Luke snapped at Ashton. "Oh no, we both know that you are lying about that. I was watching you the whole time. There was no phone call from Michael or anyone. No messages either. You were jealous, that is all." Ashton insisted. "No why would I be jealous?" Luke freaked. "Because you like me, babe." Ashton flirted. "Why would you think that?!" Luke screamed. "Because of your current situation downstairs first of all, and secondly you got very upset when I was dancing on the bar with the girls grabbing me chest and that guy still grinding himself on me from behind." Ashton insisted. "Uh no way was I jealous and I don't know why I got a situation downstairs, it must have just happened." Luke scolded. "Oh so you won't like it if I did this then?" Ashton asked as he started nibbling on Luke's ear. "N-no." Luke stuttered nervously. "Ok what about this?" Ashton asked smiling whilst kissing Luke's neck and sucking his adams apple. "I-uh." was all Luke could get out before Ashton pounced on his and started to fully make out with him. Luke could no longer control himself and ordered Ashton to remove his shirt. "Come with me to the VIP section there is a private room we can use, Michael use to use it." Luke insisted. Ashton gladly followed him there and then started stipping to his boxers. Luke did the same as they were making out further. As Ashton was grinding himself on top of Luke on the bed they heard the door slam open. It was Michael he thought that after he had his chat with Mali Koa he could just come and be alone in his and Calum's special place. Just to see a very half naked Luke and Ashton in his and Calum's bed nearly having sex plus the club was empty! To say Michael was fuming was a huge understatement, oh no he was livid! "LUKE HEMMINGS, get out of my club, YOU'RE FIRED!!!" Michael snapped. Luke just looked at Ashton then at Michael, then back at Ashton. "This is all your fault!" Luke shouted at Ashton whilst putting on his clothes. Ashton had done the same. "Sorry Michael for this, was just having some fun." Ashton said sadly to Michael. Then turned to Luke and said "What did I do or say to deserve that?" Ashton said with hurt in his eyes as he turned to leave the two behind.

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