Chapter 1 Dr. Ackermann Vanishes

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Chapter 1: The Disappearance
Jessamine Ackerman was in for the shock of her life. She'd woken up to her father, Dr. Ackermann, not being in the house that morning.
She had heard some kind of commotion coming from downstairs at around 4 am, but had figured it was just her father getting an early start to his day.
But when she awoke and went downstairs, breakfast already prepared, she found out the truth; he was gone without a trace. And even worse, it happened to be the same day he was set to perform surgery on the President of the United States.
Jessamine was dumbfounded. She had no idea where he'd gone, and the only answer came from him in a letter he had left behind in his safe. In the letter, he said he was leaving everything behind, including his career in medicine, in order to pursue a lifelong dream of developing a circus and performing as a clown.
Being the responsible daughter she was, Jessamine was determined to find her father and make sure he was okay. But she also knew that if he wanted to be found, he could have easily given her a call. So why was he hiding? She had a chance to find out, but it would not be easy.
Jessamine knew she had to act fast if she was going to stop her father from making a mistake. There was too much at stake. She would have to risk it all to make sure her father made it back home safe and sound.
She was convinced that the only way to stop her father from creating a circus was to find him and destroy it. And so, Jessamine had no other option but to take the family car and hit the road in search of her father. She was prepared for the worst, and she hoped she was making the right decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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