Little Paws

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I was born, in a small hospital in California, my mother is alice baskerville and my father is Loki Laufryson. I came as a major surprise, heh I nearly even broke her pelvis but she doesn't hold much of a grudge. I love my mother and my father very much and I would say that I have inherited both of my parents genes. My older (by 2 minutes ) twin sister Lily looks a lot like my father! She is definitely as smart as him anyway! She loves him to pieces.. And I love all of them! I was walking around in my room in my house, running my long black tail along the walls. This day I was very nervous, it was my first day of school and I am definitely not the social type! I wanted to go so bad and meet new friends even though I don't have any.. I scratched my soft fur on my ear that has a single small piercing at the bottom. I was 12 and a half and Lily had already started going two years ago but my father was very reluctant to let me go until I could control my wolf form and transforming. I was wearing a baggy black hoodie with a skeleton printed on it, little black jeans and ankle high boots. I walked downstairs and my wolf ears disappeared and my tail faded into green mist and I continued walking into the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table and my mum passed me a bowl of cereal, I looked up at her with my violet eyes "thank you mum.." She. Put her hand under my chin softly and stroked my jaw and said softly "hi baby.. Are you okay ..? Remember everything and packed your bag..?" I nodded slowly and replied " mm hmm.." I blushes softly and and spooned the soggy cornflakes into my mouth. I soon finished and stood up, I wanted to say something to my mother to say that I was nervous.. "Mum.." I wrapped my arms around her waist because I was very small. She ran her fingers through my long(ish) black hair and held my cheeks "are you okay baby..?" She asked and I nodded again. I looked up at the clock and saw it was time to go so I put my bag on my back and walked out the door with my sister "hey bro.." She said and hugged me tight from the side "I'm fine .. A little nervous.. That's all" I replied with my head hanging down and my eyes covered in the curtain of my bangs. I felt my sisters hand pull my bangs back off my face and looked at me seriously "you'll me okay .. Nothing's gonna happen to you.. Nothing.. I won't let it.." She said soothingly reassuring me that I was going to be okay. We walked out way up to the school, all the way she was briefing me on who the bullies are and who is nice until we got to the gates and walked in the red automatic door when it opened. I hung my bag on a bag rack near the entrance and I walked out again with her. I looked around nervously, scared and intimidated.

It was the first day after a long summer holidays and I was making my way in to the school. I was looking around and run my hand through the front of my blonde hair "hmm..." I was bored and everything seemed as if it so normal again, unexciting until I laid my eyes on a new body "hm?" I smiled sweetly and assessed him, all of him I analysed him head to toe. His beautiful black hair just cutting off at his neck, his round cheeks and perfectly pointed chin, his adorable freckles on his cheeks and most of all his EXTREMELY beautiful violet eyes. I wanted to say hi but I was too shy. I took a deep breath in and exhaled a smile and ran over to him "hi! I'm Drew! Hehe" I smiled at him but he just gave me a nervous confused gaze. "Hi.." I smiled in a friendly fashion "your Fenier..? Right? My teacher told me you'd be coming and also your sister hehe" I said. He looked at me and nodded, as he blushes softly I felt myself staring at him. he was so beautiful I was lost for words.

I looked up at this boy .. He was so handsome, his blonde hair stood up at the front perfectly, his rustic yet soft chin and his bright blue eyes! Ah! He was so good looking! I smiled a little at him and he smiled back, in that moment I felt my heart skip a beat and I smiled uncontrollably blushing red but that hid my freckles. I walked with him and he gave a similar speech to what my sister said but I didn't want to embarrass him or put him off, I wanted to hear his soft voice some more. I giggled as he said funny jokes about teachers TRYING not to flirt but I couldn't help myself. I jumped as the bell rang and we made our way to class.

I took his hand softly and walked to class with him "hehe this one is our class.." I smile at him and he blushes shyly, I love his blush! And his smile! we sat down and we looked to the front of the class. Weeks later we were the best of friends. We knew everything about each other.....except one secret that Fenier refused to tell me.. I often wondered what it was... Why couldn't he tell ME..?

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