0.0 ; prologue

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(n.) traitor; someone who has lost your confidence.


our city is engulfed in flames
licking ,
taunting ,
the sting is familiar
relish in it.

scanning... ???

he could almost taste the blood in the air.

the meeting place had yet to witness a single soul, enveloped in the artificial black sky - too perfect despite the evils committed under its watchful eyes - alongside the still air now disturbed by three looming figures. the two on either side pushed ahead, cautiously, confidently, having done so an unimaginable amount of times before. the scene was a replay of a movie memorized like the back of one's hand.

the boy held back, scouring the darkness ahead of him — his eyes adjusted quickly, accustomed to the black of the night. the blood was something he struggled to manage with.

this did not stop him from searching it out. his life depended on it.

it didn't take long for the three figures to be joined by two others, who carried themselves starkly different, with intentions not unfamiliar to the three that stood across from them. this didn't change the fact that they were there for reasons unspoken, adding to the air of distrust and animosity between the five people. the boy knew how it was going to end — he will not allow the night to bleed into day before achieving his goal.

"hand it over. we have what you need." the voice came from the figure standing to the left of the boy, directed toward the two others. the tone was direct, rehearsed, determined — there was yet to be a hint of violent demand in its exchange. they knew to be civil unless otherwise provoked, however justified it might be.

"why don't you show us?" was the reply. the two held the defensive position, yet they stood their ground. the boy in the middle appeared oddly un-intimidating, seemingly out of place. underestimating him was their first mistake.

the one who had spoken first let out a tsk, pulling out a crumpled bag from their back pocket, strangely tiny for something so high value as expected from the others. the bag flew several feet in front of them, landing harshly at the feet of the other two, who didn't take their eyes off the boy.

"well?" the boy finally spoke, an air of assertiveness accompanying his words. impatience could be picked up from his delivery and outward attitude, the way he carried himself, the harsh glint of his eyes underneath the unforgiving darkness of the night. "we don't have all day."

the opposing figures didn't make a move to pick up the discarded bag, however, one did extend a hand with an envelope at the end of it. the boy took several steps forward with the intent of taking hold of it, but before he could reach it, it was forced into the hands of the one beside him. that was their second mistake.

the boy stared at the person in front of him, whose eyes never left his own, a flicker of amusement passing through their gaze. the boy felt the corner of his lips twitch, and he momentarily played with the idea of pulling out the knife pocketed in his shoe, or rather the pistol wedged between his pants and his torso. he decided not to get too ahead of himself — they would be dealt with momentarily. acting too rash always backfires.

a heated second passed, tension still between the five, bubbling, the surface untouched, waiting. it remained. the boy judged their time to move.

the opposers were left to bleed into the night, their figures lost in the darkness as the boy and those with him fell away. his ears swallowed in the sound of shuffling, crinkling, fingers around the bag, tasting its insides, oblivious to its destruction. they let their guard down — strike three.

an explosion — waves cascaded the nearby buildings, the cemented ground, the couple; waves of deafening noise, blanketing the world they knew. unkindly, menacingly, mercilessly, the energy of it leapt beyond the impact, tickling the boy, so gentle, so familiar, so warm. he could forget the way it treated those he cursed.

his tongue lined his finger, iron blossoming in his mouth.

blood tasted like hell.


a.n : gang fanfiction in 2023? who would've guessed

school starts tomorrow, hopefully i can squeeze out a chapter soon. comments are encouraged!

- hwast4rs

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