The best kind of rest, depending on who you ask

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content warnings: Major character death, suicide, inappropriate usage of medicine/pills,  just sad stuff in general, shitty writing  


They needed change, they needed some kind of relief, some kind of escape. They both found it, and they both knew they needed it.

Pete sat on the edge of his shared bed and drank down the medicine-water mixture, a concoction of all the pills he could find in his home smashed up and missed into water. He made two glasses, one for him and one for his lover.

He soon set the empty glass on the nightstand and turned to Patrick, who was laying on his side, struggling to stay awake. Patrick finished his glass just minutes ago, he must be experiencing drowsiness already

"I love you," Patrick had said, just above a whisper. Something that no one else but Pete could hear, that's how he liked it, no one else was allowed to hear. 

"I love you too,"


Pete found himself with Patrick barely clinging onto him, Pete's arms wrapped around his waist. Just moments ago Patrick's grip on him was tighter, but as time went away so did his grip. Pete was a little sorrowful that this was the end, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Patrick was asleep, but i guess asleep is an understatement. 

Pete stared at Patrick's face, not allowing himself to look else where. He pecked his cold forehead, Pete's lips being the last warmth it would ever have.

Pete couldn't seem to hold onto life much longer, he tried to keep his eyes open just a little longer, just to look at him longer, But he knew that he needed to give in.

"good night, my love,"

he muttered his last words, hoping Patrick's soul had received the message. 


great way to start this one-shot book off huh?

I promise I'll try to write something not sad

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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