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TW: mentions of stabbing/blood, murder, od, suicidal etc


Today's our 2-year anniversary. Daniel and I have been spending every second of the day together, I'm so glad I've found 'my' person. To end our special day, were walking through the city, just enjoying each other's company. The stars are bright, the moons beaming, there's this gorgeous light shining on us. His eyes are glistening, I've always loved his eyes, everything about this boy is perfect.

Daniels phone started ringing, it was a facetime call from an unknown number. He answered, all I see on his screen is this guy, maybe in his early 20s, I recognize him from somewhere, but I don't remember. I looked at Daniel face, he was furious, that's when I realized who it was. The man on the phone had some sort of problem with Daniel brother, they had an issue in the past, but I was sure it was over. Suddenly, he hung up the phone, Daniel looked around us, panicking. the guy on the phone was trying to see where we were, what our exact location was, and that's when it happened.

I heard a noise and looked to my right to see the same guy, with a stanley knife, slash my boyfriends throat right Infront of me, then run off. Daniel collapses to the ground, I don't know what to do.

Its like time froze, this moment is going to be in my head forever, the sky is dark, being lit up by the streetlights and buildings. There's a cold breeze, just enough to make you shiver, I can feel the cold air going through my lungs, but it is getting hard to breathe. There are many people around, having a laugh, while I'm standing here, completely in shock.

The people around us notice what happened and helped me move him to my car, the ambulance would take too long to get here, I have to take Daniel to the hospital now, not later.

I sit there, in the driver's seat, completely speechless, there is absolutely no way this is happening right now. My head floods with images of us together, moments before everything happened.

Daniel keeps whispering he loves me and that his sorry, it's not making me feel any better. I can hardly see the road Infront of me, tears rushing down my face, trying to make sure he is alive at the same time.

I ran inside the hospital, screaming for help. I watched them drag his lifeless body, out of the car, barely conscious. Daniel can't die, his still young, and I need him, I don't think I can live without him.

I'm sitting in the waiting room, thinking about what just happened, we were celebrating our anniversary, and it all went downhill, how could this happen. I notice Daniels family start to come in, I can't bear to look at them, let alone comfort them. I was the last person with him before I rushed him here.

A doctor looked at me from afar, he was talking to Daniels family, shaking his head 'no', that's when suddenly, the world went quiet.

I hear someone walking towards me, but I continue to look down.
"Do you want a hug?"
Her voice is small, weak. She's trying to provide comfort, the only thing she knows that could possibly help me. But it's not her that I want to hug. It's him.
However, I still accept her open arms. And as my arms slowly slide around her waist, the tears start to flow.

I stand there for what feels like hours, squeezing the life out of Daniels sister. But she didn't cry, she simply allowed me to sob into her shirt as memories of him run through my mind.
The realization hits me like a brick wall. I'll never see Daniel again. Never look into those beautiful hazel eyes or hear the laugh that causes butterflies in my stomach.

Daniel is gone, forever.
And with that word circling through my brain, I cease crying. I pull away from the hug, and nod as I'm asked if everything is okay. Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I start to walk out the door of the local hospital.

Nothing feels real, everything looks fake, almost like I'm in a bad dream, a nightmare, which is what I was hoping for. I pinched myself to see if everything was real, it was. My heart aches as I walk to my car. I want to cry, but I can't, the tears won't come out. My heart feels as if it's being strangled, gasping for air.

I look around and notice how peaceful the night sky is, the way everything sits still, I can feel the cold, fresh air going through my lungs. I noticed my car, parked in the same way I left it, I see a big blood stain, still lingering onto my car seat, where he sat last. We were laughing, having the time of our lives, then everything fell apart.

I promised him forever, and damn it if I don't keep that promise.
I get into my car, eyeing down the bottle of pills in my hand. My head keeps racing, it's the way I've always wanted to go. But now, while I'm sitting in the driver's seat of my car, that isn't what's on my mind, it's Daniel. Only Daniel.

As I sigh, I twist open the bottle of pills and empty them into the palm of my hand. I swallow the pills one after another, laying back in my seat once my hand is empty.
I lay back, thinking about everything, every moment I've ever had with him. Every memory with Daniel rushed through my head, the things we got up to together, our little traditions we had. I feel empty, as if everything good had disappeared from the world, it all seemed dull. I look around one last time, noticing the little details, taking in everything. My mouth goes dry, I start to feel faint, weak, it's all happening, this is it.

And as everything fades away, I can slowly see my soulmate, Daniel, walking towards me, as if everything's going to be ok.

basically this is based on a true story, jus a little bit different. if anyone reads this, please give me ur thoughts on it and lmk if i should write more short stories n give me ideas PLEASE

and if anyone is suffering mentally, follow me n i'll give my socials, ur not alone as i am mentally fkn ill too xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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