Reading and Cooking

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Reading was a good pastime when you had nothing else to do. The best time is when you have your partners with you. It was a winter day and it was the weekend. Tim, Sasha, Jon and Martin had nothing to do. “ What do you want to do?” asked Tim. “ I don’t know,” answered Martin. “ We could make dinner and then cuddle and read a book” suggested Sasha. “ That great idea, dear,” commented Jon.

“ What should be make for dinner?” asked Martin. “ What about Chicken Stir Fry?” proposed Tim. Jon, Sasa and Martin all agreed and they started on the sir fry. First each took turns chopping the vegetables. Martin chopped a yellow bell pepper and . Next, Jon chopped some carrots, Sasha cut up some onions. Lastly Tim cut up a clove of garlic and put all the vegetables aside. Then, Martin put ¼ cups of soy sauce and two tablespoons of sugar in a ziplock bag.

Jon grabs a knife and starts cutting the chicken“ Jon, be careful with the knife,honey,” says Tim. Remember what happened last time” reminded Martin while Jon was cutting the chicken. Jon rolled their eyes, “ it was one time, that I cut myself once while cutting chicken and now you all worry for me.”

“ Well last time you had to get five stitches.” recalled Sasha. “ It was one time, guys,” says Jon in a fake tone of annoyance. “ We are never going to let you live that down,” Joked Tim. Jon rolled his eyes and continued to cut the chicken. After they finished cutting the chicken. Sasha put the chicken in the ziplock bag and all of them decided to go read while waiting for the chicken to marinate.

Sasha sat a timer and then they cuddled on the couch and read. Jon was reading “Lore” by Alexander Bracken. Sasha was enjoying the book “ One Last Stop” by Casey McQuiston, a book about lesbian that kept meeting on a train Sasha had explained to Tim, Martin and Jon. Tim was reading “ SIMON VS. The HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA” by Becky Albert. Martin was reading the sad book “They Both Die at the End” by Adam Slivera.

“ This book is super interesting,” Jon expressed. “ This is so sad,” Martin said, giving a sad look. “ Well I told you it was sad and you replied with" I don't believe it can be that sad ". “ I-I didn’t shut up” replies Martin. “ You did though” pointed out Tim. “ Oh shush Tim” says Martin embarrassedly. Martin got up and went to the kitchen and started working on the rice. He started a pot of water and put it on the stove to get it boiling.

After a few minutes Martin put the rice in and waited for the chicken to finish being marinated. The timer went off and the chicken was done marinating. So, they all put their books down and went back to the kitchen. They put out a skillet and put 1 tsp of oil on the pan. The Pan sizzled as the oil was being put on. Martin puts the chicken in the pan and the chicken cooks on one of its sides.

Then, Tim walks over to Martin and puts his arm around his stomach. Martin chuckles as he finishes the chicken and checks on the rice and sees it is finished. "Dinner!" Called Martin. As the rest of them came and sat down. They eat their dinner and compliments were made and the day had been good.

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