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I sat on a lush green rug, with delicate purple details in front of a couch. Tears streamed down my face, tracing paths of sorrow. Clutching my waist, I held my head down, overwhelmed by shame and vulnerability. Summoning courage, I lifted my head to express my emotions, but before I could utter a word, I was struck by a forceful slap. The impact stunned me, filling the room with an unsettling silence. Trembling, I glanced at my father and sister, their presence casting a shadow on the room. My father, usually the anchor of support and strength in my life, stood there with his head down, his silence engulfed me with rage. It felt as though the bond we had formed was cut by betrayal deep into my heart. My younger sister, only eleven years old, stood by their side, her innocent eyes wide with confusion and concern. The sight of her witnessing this tumultuous scene filled me with guilt. I couldn't help but worry if this moment would leave an indelible mark of trauma.

"I gave you a roof, food, clothes, the ability to even live, and this is how you repay me?!" My mother yelled while running her hands through her hair. Endless seconds of silence passed "Say something!" She screamed with fury in her wide eyes as she threw the pregnancy test on the floor, landing beside me.

My eyes widened in sheer horror as I stared at the two unmistakable lines etched onto the pregnancy test, my hands reaching to gently cradle my stomach as if to protect the life growing within.

My mother turned her back to me and took a couple of steps forward with her hands behind her back. "You are going to abort that baby," she declared, her tone laced with a stark and resolute insistence.

"NO!" I exclaimed. I held my gaze staring into my mother's almond-shaped eyes.

"WHAT? How dare you talk back to me?!" My mother widened her eyes in fury as she reluctantly turned around. In her furious state, she lunged towards the nearby side table, her hand snatching a delicate glass plate. With a swift, forceful motion, she raised her hand, the plate becoming an extension of her anger, aiming it directly at me.

In that suspended moment, time seemed to slow down as a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. My eyes widened in response, a mix of shock and scorn mirrored in my gaze. Every fiber of me prepared for the impact, bracing myself for the physical and emotional consequences that would follow.

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