★¸.•☆•.¸★ ACT 1★⡀.•☆•.★

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TW: homophobic slurs


Time: 7:46 AM, November 6th

Place: Dorm room 507 of Wolfston university

The sound of the alarm wakes up Madison. As he sits up, the boy begins stretching his arms.

Madison: *yawning* "Oh God, that was some good sleep.. Even though I pulled an all-nighter yesterday."

He finally stands up and gets dressed up to step out of his room. He hates when his roommate Theodore checks him out each time when he has the chance.

Madison opens the door of his room and goes straight to the kitchen still yawning.

Theodore: *playfully* "Morning, Maddie!"

Madison: *thinking* "Not that nickname again!"

Madison: *tired and a bit annoyed* "Hey, Theo.. what do you want?"

Theodore: *chuckles* "Brr, so cold now, aren't we? Just wanted to see how are you doing that's all, little prince."

Madison: "Yeah, sure.."

Madison notices a girl walking out from Theodore's room. She's wearing Wolfston's universities hoodie which definetely belongs to Theodore.

The girl: *in a whiny voice* "Babe... why did you leave me alone... and cold. Come back with me to bed and warm me up, won't you?"

She stares at Theo with big puppy eyes.

Madison: *thinking* "Seriously? Being that whiny won't make him go with you. But it's Theo we're talking about."

Theodore: "Of course now, Alison, I'll be back, don't worry"

Theodore kisses the girl's lips before she goes back to his room. As Alison leaves, Theo waltzes to the kitchen.

Madison: "Uh, is she your new girlfriend or something?"

Theodore: "Yeah.."

Madison: *smirking* "What happened to the previous one? Let me guess, she broke up with you?"

Theodore: *scoffs* "Who cares? She was boring anyway. So, is there anything you'd like for breakfast, Maddie?"

Madison: "Uhhh... I don't know. Do we even have anything in the fridge?"

Theodore: "Let me check."

Theodore opens up the fridge to only see that there's only a lone carton of milk and some spinach.

Theodore: "Say, Maddie, would you like some milk soup with spinach?"

Madison: *shocked* Excuse me?? I know I'm your guinea pig when you cook, but don't you think that's a bit too much??"

Theodore: "Guess someone will need to get groceries."

Madison: "I guess so-"

Theodore: "You do it, Maddie."

Madison: *taken by surprise* "What? Why me?"

Theodore: "Well because you have nothing to do anyway. *in a dramatic voice* Plus, I need to go see my girlfriend, who's all alone and cold by now."

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