Serpents Hearts-Sweetpea

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Y/N could feel their heart racing as they stood in the dimly lit Serpent hangout. Sweetpea, with his leather jacket and smoldering gaze, was leaning against his motorcycle, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while," Sweetpea said, his voice husky with anticipation.

Y/N's breath hitched as Sweetpea took a step closer, his hand gently cupping their cheek. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the world around them faded away.

Sweetpea leaned in, his lips brushing against Y/N's in a soft, lingering kiss. It was like fireworks exploding in their chest, a rush of emotion that left them breathless.

As they pulled apart, Y/N's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and affection. Sweetpea's eyes sparkled with warmth, his tough exterior melting away to reveal the tender soul beneath.

"I've been wanting to do that too," Y/N whispered, their voice filled with sincerity.

Sweetpea's smile widened, and he intertwined his fingers with Y/N's. "Y/N, you've changed my world. With you by my side, I feel invincible."

Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, feeling a deep connection forming between them. They knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful and adventurous love story.

Hand in hand, they walked into the night, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Together, they would navigate the twists and turns of Riverdale, their love guiding them through it all.

And so, their love story began, two hearts intertwined, forever bound by the power of their love.


Hi guys this is my First chapter and I hope you really love it please send in requests

Xoxo Bella

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