Summer Love-Steven

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Y/N couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat every time she saw Steven. His captivating smile and kind eyes made her feel like the luckiest person in the world.

They spent their days exploring the city, hand in hand, discovering hidden gems and creating memories. Steven's sense of adventure and genuine interest in Y/N's passions made her fall deeper in love with him.

As the sun set, casting a warm golden glow, Steven took Y/N to a rooftop overlooking the city. The twinkling lights below mirrored the sparkle in their eyes, a reflection of their growing connection.

Underneath the starry night sky, Y/N and Steven shared their dreams and aspirations, their laughter filling the air. It was as if they had found their missing piece in each other, a love that felt destined to be.

With a gentle touch, Steven brushed a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear, his eyes filled with adoration. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a moment that felt like pure magic, sealing their love in that summer night.

Days turned into weeks, and their love only grew stronger. Every shared adventure and whispered "I love you" deepened their bond. Steven became Y/N's rock, her partner in crime, and her greatest source of support.

But as summer drew to a close, Y/N knew their time together was limited. The thought of saying goodbye weighed heavy on their hearts. They vowed to treasure the moments they had and hold onto their love, no matter the distance.

Though they may be separated by miles, Y/N and Steven knew their love would endure. They promised to stay connected, to share their lives through messages and calls, until they could be together again.

And as they embraced one last time, tears streaming down their faces, Y/N whispered, "Until we meet again, Steven."

With a promise and a lingering touch, Steven held her close, knowing that their love would transcend time and space, carrying them through the seasons until they could finally be reunited.
Hey guys second chapter how are you guys liking it?
Hope you have a great day

XoXo Bella😘

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