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More than a thousand years ago, there was a family born that would grow up to be hated by all of their kind. Some were witches; Others were vampires. Two stuck out from the rest. They were both werewolves and vampires. Twins born to a different father than the rest of their siblings who would grow up to be the most feared above all mystical creatures on Earth to this day. 

These two siblings were closer to each other than the rest of the siblings. Klaus and Lin Mikealson hated the idea of losing their lives to their father just because they were bastards. They ran after they had been turned into vampires, their other siblings following them.

Lin turned to them one day. “If we are going to keep running, I want us to make a promise.” She told them, “That we will never leave each other for anything. No matter what.”

Rebekkah and Elijah nodded. “Of course.” she said. “I would never leave my siblings.”

Lin crossed his arms. “Good.” she replied. “Because if you break our bond, you will regret it.”

Klaus looked at her. “Always and Forever.” he said. 


<Lin POV>

Why is he so content to hunt humans? -rebekkah
Why does Lin always try to dagger people he hates? I get that he’s not mentally stable but really. -Elijah
If he keeps on trying to hunt humans, I will dagger Lin. -Klaus

Lin heard their thoughts and went to his bedroom. Of course they thought that about him. He gathered his thoughts and decided he didn’t want to be hated by them anymore. He went to them and eyed Klaus, deciding that doing as he usually did was wrong, even if the ones he hunted were psychopaths. ¨What would you guys like for dinner?" he asked.

Elijah eyed him suspiciously. "Why?"

"Maybe I want to do something nice for you guys," he replied. "I'm not a complete monster." or one at all.

Klaus eyed Lin."We need to talk." He dragged Lin to the other room. "I know you’re not a monster. But can you please try to stop hunting?”

Lin bit his tongue. “The only people I hunt are psychopaths.” He replied. “I would think you would know that considering you know me better than anyone. Then again, you all think I’m a monster. Why do I bother trying to get you guys to accept me?”

Klaus responded,”We accept you.”

“Sure,” Lin responded. “Sure you do.” he responded. “Then why do you constantly think bad things about me?”

“I Forgot that you could read minds,” Klaus admitted. 

“I’m leaving.” Lin went to leave.

Klaus stabbed Lin with a dagger, rendering his brother unconscious. “I’m not letting you hurt anyone else.”

“Stab me in the back, why don’t you?” Tears fell as Lin’s skin hardened into near rock. She wasn’t even shocked, just angry and betrayed. 


At least he can’t hurt anyone else.” -Elijah
People are safe now. -Klaus
When will we bring her out of that daggered Coma? -Freya

He didn’t even want to wake up anymore. He wanted to be asleep forever. No one could hurt him here. No one wanted him here. He had no one left who cared for him. That’s how he felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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