pt 1 the blond boy

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Izuku POV:
I sat on the edge of a building looking for any crime "Hey izuku" Amei said (ghost) "did you find anything?" I asked her as she sat beside me "nope" she said a little disappointed.

Amei the first ghost I seen stays with me most of the time, she's a 22 year old woman with dark blue eyes and blueish grey hair she wears a suit covered in blood.

I sighed as I got up "where are we going?" She asked as she floated in front of me "probably back home" I told her as I turned around but stopped when I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked to the building next to the one I was on to see eraser "Hey eraser!" I said cheerfully as I waved at him "so Aki do you normally talk to yourself?" He asked as he hopped over to the roof I was on "where you stalking me eraser" I jokingly asked he groaned "izuku there's someone getting attacked some way from here" Amei told me, I nodded my head "sorry my friend I gotta go!" I said to eraser as I followed amei, running across roof tops.

I stopped on a roof looking into the alleyway a boy with short blonde hair and grayish blue eyes with blood on his face coming from a cut on the side of his head, two men that had bloody hands and some scratches on their faces where in front of the boy. I dropped down landing on one of the guys shoulders, I jumped off of him pushing him backwards nocking him out (he's unconscious) "you brat!" The other guy yelled at me as he charged at me, the guy made knives appear in both of his hands "no fair I don't have any of my weapons" I whined sarcastically as I dogged his attack "your just a kid what are you gonna do" he said as he threw a knife at me, the knife hit my left leg I stopped myself from screaming "n-now that wasn't nice" I told the guy ignoring the pain in my leg. Eraser jumped down from a roof and took the guy out with his scarf and tied the two of the men up. I limped over to the blond boy "are you okay?" I asked as I sat against the wall next to him "I'm fine what about you?" He asked a little worried "it's just a scratch now let me see that injury" I told him as I adjusted my mask to make sure that it was still okay, the kid moved his head so I could see the injury I sighed in relef "it's not to deep so you'll be fine" I said with a slight smile even if he couldn't see it "okay.." he Mumbled I got a wipe from my belt (it has bags on it) and cleaned his wound "there now I should get going" I said as I got up stumbling slightly "izuku careful!" Amei shouted at me, I sighed "Aki I think you should stop here for the night" eraser told me "I know" I responded as I managed to get up the roof.

I layed down on the roof in pain, eraser came on the roof and sat next to me "what do you want?" I asked slightly confused "came to see if you where okay" he told me as he looked at my injured leg "well I'm okay" I lied to him "doesn't look like your 'okay' aki" he said with a sigh "just go away" I said looking away from him "before I go can I please bandage your leg?" He asked "izuku he can help you please let him!" Amei pleaded with me "fine just don't try to capture me" I Mumbled as I sat up "I won't" he said as he rolled up my trouser leg (I pulled out the knife already) eraser cleaned my wound and bandaged it "there you go but I think you should take some time off" he said with a slight frown "I'll think about it" I said as I got up "I better not see you tomorrow night" he said as I leaped off.

I entered my abandoned cottage/house in the woods and sat down on the old beat up cream couch "f-fuck" I Mumbled as I put my injured leg on the coffee table "izuku you should take some time off" Amei told me with a frown "you know I can't do that" I told her as I leaned more into the couch "izuku please just take a break for a week" she said with worry "how about two days" I bargained "fine" she said before disappearing I sighed and dragged myself off of the couch and headed to my bedroom.

I got changed out of my vigilante gear and into some eraserhead pyjamas, I layed down on the old broken mattress.

'Well today' I thought as I let sleep consume me.

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