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This was another completely normal day. Classes were done and everyone was expected to be in their dorms. Well... Everyone except for one... I'm sure you've caught up on my hint! Here's the catch, the only difference today is...

"Alright Morales... Let's begin shall we?" Said the (h/c) haired female as she took a seat on the pillow covered floor.

Finally! After waiting for a long 24 never ending hours, they finally met and are having their first session.

The two were currently inside of Miles' dorm room. I know it seems strange, and mostly suspicious... But that's nothing to worry about! Besides, they did get permission from their homeroom teacher herself. So nothing illegal was bound to happen, at least, that's what the teacher believes.

If anything, she knows she can rely on one out of the two teens, and that was (Y/n). Priorities of being on the teacher's good side, or.. what many people call, the teacher's pet; they are easily trusted of their actions and suggestions.

They arranged some of their pillows on the ground for them to lay and sit on since they couldn't share the desk. Miles connected his phone to his bluetooth speaker to play some background music as they studied.

"So... Which area are you struggling on so we can destroy it completely before we start serious business?" The girl asked.

That question needed no second thought to it. "Algebra. I suck at it to the point you wouldn't believe what I score on it daily." He told her, trying to form a joke out of it. But, as you can already guess, it was completely futile. Infact (Y/n) didn't even catch up on it. She simply nodded and opened her text book to the given topic.

Was Miles even going to bother trying to point out his joke? No. He's gotten used to this at this point, so he wasn't going to complain. Besides, this is a study session, not a joking session.

"Okay. Let's start with a simple equation. You see, here you--...."

As always, Miles found himself zoning out again. He couldn't help it! He was literally in his room, with his crush alone. These are one of the moments he's wished for, except, he didn't expect it to happen. 'I wonder what else will come true....' he thought to himself smiling subconsciously at her.

"--ales? Morales you listening?"

"What --? Oh--yeah! Yeah. I'm listenin'." He said smiling sweetly, but she didn't buy it.

"Okay. Do this equation then if you were really listening." She told the male, crossing her arms. Miles smiled but his smile didn't last long before he saw the question. "This is simple?" He asked staring at her in shock, making her chuckle. "It should be since I taught you and you listened." (Y/n) stated, "I'll give you five minutes to be fair. If you won't be done by then..." she shrugged.

Four minutes passed and Miles was still thinking. He finally picked up his pencil and began scribbling his calculations quickly as (Y/n) did a count down of the last thirty seconds.

"Five.... four.... three.... two.... one...."

"Happy new year....?" Miles tried joking once again, only to get hit face first with a pillow. "No you idiot! It means that time is over. You lost..." The (E/c) eyed female said, glaring at Miles with a smirk.

Her pride of victory didn't last long once Miles smacked her with another pillow as well. "Hey! What the--" "It's only fair that way." Miles said.

(Y/n) held the pillow in her hand tightly and smacked him once only to get one in return, making her narrow her eyes. "Alrighty then...you asked for this Morales.."


The two teens picked up more pillows and began to fight each other, completely forgetting about their task in hand.

(Y/n) hit the boy again, except, this time with much more force than before causing him to yelp in surprise as she laughed at him.

Miles gave her a sly smile before suddenly pouncing on her, holding her waist and pinning her on the ground, taking her by surprise.

"Not so powerful now are we?" Miles smirked, making the female under him smile as well before rolling her eyes playfully.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and spinned him around to change their position, now making her on top. "How about now?" She asked.

The two smiled at each other stupidly before laughing once more.

Their laughs slowly died down as the two gazed at each other's eyes. (Y/n)'s cheeks was dusted in red as her eyes scanned the male under her.

His warm brown eyes reminded her of the beautiful scenery of the sun setting at the western horizon in the afternoon.

His well shaped jawline that looked like it could cut through a block of wood and lastly his lips.

They looked soft. Soft to touch and feel. The urge of feeling them was slowly growing in her as she stared at them longer before her eyes return to his heart warming ones. She felt strangely comfortable around the male, and she wasn't going to complain about their current situation.

She felt her eyes flicker down back to his lips before returning to his eyes quickly, her urge growing even more.

Slowly, the two teens found themselves leaning in. They never broke eye contact as they did this. The atmosphere around them was intense, both teens not knowing what they were about to do.

Suddenly, the gap between them became just a few centimeters away from each other. If you were to estimate, it would have to be about three centimeters.

Having their eyes half lidden, they both leaned in once more. Just when their lips brushed against each other ever so lightly, suddenly

"Hey Miles. You still have those--"

Miles' roommate froze on the spot the moment he opened the door. What he clapped his eyes on was... "Uhh...."

His roommate, laying on the floor,was holding onto the female who's above him by her waist as she had her arms wrapped around his neck, both teens merely millimeters apart.

The two looked at each other and quickly got into a proper position, sitted farther away from each other.

(Y/n) cleared her throat before smiling awkwardly to the male by the door, "Ganke! Hey... I was just about to leave... Well, that was our first session Morales, see again tomorrow!" That was a lie. They still had fourteen more minutes.

She quickly gathered her things and left the room. Ganke glanced at the figure rushing away before turning to the male on the ground.

"We're twenty minutes past our finishing time." Miles added on her lie.

Ganke, although shocked, couldn't care less about their situation and simply ignored and made his way inside, sitting on his bed and scrolling through his phone to find something to distract himself and erase his memories.


Hey guys... Been a while I know, I suck at being an author...but I try my best! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the short fluffy moment. If you want more of these moments feel free to comment down and sharing your thoughts, insights and ideas for the next chapter! I will make sure to answer them all. Thanks! <333

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