Happy 20th Birthday, Ness!

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The date was August 16th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today at the d'Aglior residence. Ciel and Soleil DuBlois were looking at the module info book.

Soleil: It's a little chilly this morning, isn't it?

Ciel nodded.

Soleil: Just leave the heater on next to you. I'm sure you'll warm up in no time.

Ciel: Okay...

Soleil: We have one Project Sekai character module having a birthday today, and that's Ness Filbrun (Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023)). Let's talk to her.

They went over to the computer. Soleil invited Ness for a chat. She accepted.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): Oh hi there. Uh...is he shivering over there?

Soleil: He is. He thinks it's cold.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): It's the middle of August though.

Soleil: Yeah, but September will be here before we know it.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): True.

Ciel: We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, Ness.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): Oh, thanks so much. I'm turning 20. I'm 2 decades old.

Soleil: I believe you have a birthday twin.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): I do?

Soleil: Yeah, you do. Eglantine Riva (Missing Rin). A Rin module.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): Never heard of her.

Soleil: Huh. Well, I should get ready for school.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2023): Okay.

And so, Ciel and Soleil signed off from Zoom.

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