Chapter 5

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Mali Koa was on her way home as she was going to leave the next morning but decided to go home straight after the dinner with Michael. But she had to go to the hotel, first to pack.

As she left town and was by the woods where Calum's body was found there stood something in the middle of the road so she swerved as to not hit it, only to hit a tree. As she got out of her car to check on it. It was gone but her car was busted. She would have to get a tow truck to tow it to a panel beater. But what she did not know was even before anyone could come help her she would be dead in the same way as her brother by the same person............. He grabbed her and bit into her neck. He then started attacking the rest of her body with his fangs. When he was finished he threw her oneside just as he had done with his previous victim. Then he fled. And cleaned himself off of his crime......

Luke decided that after all of what happened to him that night he needed a slow walk through town and saw where it would lead him. Before he knew it he found himself in the middle of the woods. Just as he turned around and fell over something big and soft. As he stood up he noticed that he was covered in blood and he had fallen over none other than Mali Koa, Calum's sister. He needed to contact Crystal immediately there was another dead body in the woods and this time he found it. Plus he was covered in blood which was triggering his instincts so he placed a anonymous call to the police and went to go and hide in the woods until he could hide and clean himself up. Just to bump into Ashton....

"What the HELL are you doing here!?" Ashton scolded Luke. "ME!? What about YOU?!" Luke screamed angrily at Ashton. Just then they both heard the police sirens and decided to get as far away from the situation as possible, just to end up running in the same direction. "Stop following me, will you!?" Luke screamed angrily at Ashton. "I am not FOLLOWING YOU! I am simply going home." Ashton snapped back. "Well I am sorry for freaking out on you earlier about what Michael said, it wasn't really totally all your fault. I should not let my feelings take over my brain sometimes." Luke tried to apologize while approaching Ashton carefully. "W-what are you doing and it's fine. I should not have teased you." Ashton stuttered as he was loosing his balance trying to back away from Luke's advances. "So does this mean that I am forgiven?" Luke asked as he started nibbling on Ashton's ear. "Y-y-y-yes, but don't think that if this happens again I will be so quick to forgive." Ashton said as he slammed his lips onto Luke's. "So you're place or mine?" Ashton asked Luke as they carried on making out in the streets. "Mine" Luke replied.

As they had just entered Luke's house he got a phone call. "Leave it." Ashton insisted. "But what if it is important? I should at least see who is phoning beforehand." Luke tried to explain. "Ok but hurry, I need you now." Ashton insisted. As Luke turned to look at his phone he saw that Michael had tried calling him for about 30min. And was phoning again. So he decided to answer it. "H-Hi Michael. Sorry for everything, ok." Luke said in a scared voice. "Yeah yeah, listen here I'm giving you one more chance. You are in charge until I get back." Michael snapped. "What really! Thanks so much. But what do you mean till you get back? Where are you going?" Luke asked confused. "Well long story short Calum showed up at the club and is now a vampire. Plus his sister is dead in the same way. And Calum can't remember a thing about us. So I decided that I need to go see the council about this. Be here in 30 minutes or else there is SHIT!" Michael explained. "Ok, yes Boss" Luke replied putting down his phone to fix his clothes. As Ashton saw this he asked: " If I may ask what are you doing?" "Getting ready for a meeting, sorry baby. Rain check?" Luke asked shyly. "Can I come with?" Ashton asked. "Rather not Michael wants to see me." Luke replied. "But you can stay and wait for me here. I won't be long" Luke insisted.

As Luke got to the club he didn't expect what he ended up seeing. "C-calum!?" Luke freaked out. In front of him stood a very pale, still wounded Calum. "Who are you?" Calum asked. "It's me, Luke. You're best friend, dude." Luke said sadly. "I don't know any Luke. Or any Michael this is not even my town. Please take me back. My mother and sister will be worried sick about me. I have to start looking for a job tomorrow." Calum explained to Michael and Luke. "Oh ok. May I ask how old you are Calum?" Luke asked. Michael just looked at Luke angrily. "Yeah if that will help you. I am 18 years old. I stay in Riverside." Calum explained. "Oh shit, he has lost 8 years of memory. You must get him to the council asap." Luke whispered to Michael. "No shit, sherlock!" Michael exegerated. Just then Michael's phone rang. It was the doc again. "M-micheal it's happened again. The body that just came in which looks a lot like your friend Calum, is gone. With out a trace but at least I got all her details except a name." Doc explained. "Well you're right about the resemblance as she is his sister. And her name was Mali Koa." Michael said. Just then Calum heard his sister's name being mentioned and decided to find out how Michael knows her, and what is going on. "What is wrong with my sister and how do you know her?" Calum stood in front of Michael expecting a answer. "I will explain everything if you just come with me. And I will take you home on the way ok?" Michael said thinking quickly on his feet. How is Calum going to react to the truth? And what is the council going to do about Michael's current problems?.........

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