Cream Finds the Tuba

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One day, Cream was walking through the woods when she saw a tuba hanging on a tree. "Ooh, I wonder what that is?" she said to herself. So she flew up to the tree and took the tuba.

"It's a tuba!" she said. "I wonder how it got here." She blew for as long as she could, her face turning blue in the process. But eventually, she had to stop blowing and catch her breath.

"Amy told me how to play it; she told me to buzz my lips." Cream buzzed her lips on the mouthpiece, and the tuba sounded. WWWWWOMP!

Cream decided to play the tuba some more, but she sounded horrible

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Cream decided to play the tuba some more, but she sounded horrible. BOOMA, BOOMA, BOOMA! Suddenly, a bar of soap fell in the bell, and the sound became muted. Her face turned blue again, but she played with a grin.

She eventually blew hard enough that the soap flew out of the bell. HONKA, TOOT! She then stopped playing the tuba because she was so out of breath. Somehow, she was confused. "Bleh! This mouthpiece has an awful taste!" she said. "But what makes it like this?" She looked inside the bell, and saw soapy water. She then decided to take the tuba home, but first, she dumped the water out of the bell.

"Hi, mom! Look what I found!" Cream held up the tuba to Vanilla. She then explained how she found it and the soapy water inside. She then took a deep breath and blew into the mouthpiece. OOOOMPAH!
Vanilla was blown away. "Oh, that's very loud!" she said. "Can I play it?" "Sure!" replied Cream.

Vanilla inhaled and blew hard into the mouthpiece

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Vanilla inhaled and blew hard into the mouthpiece. The tuba sounded a bit louder. OOMPH, OOMPH, OOMPH! Her cheeks puffed up as she blew, and her face turned red. "You look funny!" giggled Cream. Vanilla then aimed the bell to Cream's face so she could feel her breath. HONKA, HONKA! Cream giggled at the feeling. Vanilla blew even louder. BOOMA, BOOMA! Saliva began to drop from the mouthpiece, and she looked away. Cream laughed loudly and hugged and kissed her.

"Thank you for letting me play your tuba, Cream," said Vanilla. "Now, I'm quite tired after blowing so hard." Later, Cream was practicing her tuba in her room, and the sound was horrible. Her checks puffed up like two big balloons as loud notes came out of the bell. OOMPAH, OOMPAH, WOMP, WOMP! Luckily, nobody heard her. She then took a deep breath and blew as hard into the mouthpiece as she possibly could.

 She then took a deep breath and blew as hard into the mouthpiece as she possibly could

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The room rumbled as she played this long, loud, low note. "Cream, what's going on in there?" asked Vanilla. "I'm just blowing in the tuba, mom," replied Cream. As she said this, she huffed and puffed, tired after playing that big, deep note. "I see, you can play tomorrow, good night," said Vanilla. Cream then slept with her mouth blowing on the mouthpiece. ZZZ, toot, ZZZ, toot, ZZZ, toot. Cheese was blown away because he was near the bell.

The next morning, Cream woke up and practiced her tuba. TOOTA, TOOTA, OOMPH, OOMPH! She got a lot better. "I love playing this tuba, but I wish I had somebody to play with," she thought. She searched around, and then found Amy playing her sousaphone. HONK, HONK, BLAZ, BLAZ!

Cream decided to get Amy's attention with her tuba

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Cream decided to get Amy's attention with her tuba. She took a deep breath and blew into the mouthpiece with all her might, her cheeks puffing up to a huge size and her face turning blue.


"Huh?" asked Amy. "I'm playing my tuba!" said Cream. "I want you to play with me!" so they played until lunchtime.

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