Chapter 11

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Andy: "Great job, girls. You got all the hostages out safely and even apprehended the suspects. Unfortunately, there was one casualty, one of your backup officers. But these things happen. Other than that, you guys worked surprisingly well together."

Nisha and Charlotte: "Thank you."

Nisha: "Why did you help me?"

Charlotte: "You're still my partner."

Nisha: "Well, thank you, but one question."

Charlotte: "What?"

Nisha: "How come you have terrible aim with a gun but good aim with throwing a weapon?"

Charlotte: "Shut up."

Charlotte walks back to Gale.

Nisha: "It was just a joke."

Nisha says and chuckles.

Charlotte laughs a little too.

Nisha: "Was that a laugh I heard?"

Charlotte: "Alright, I admit that was funny."

Gale: "Y-y-you guys d-d-did g-g-great out t-t-there."

Charlotte: "I know."

Nisha: "Thank you."

Nisha: Isn't this the girl who broke the mat and beat that Bryan dude? Why is she so shy? No way this is the same girl.

Andy: "Nisha and Charlotte finished their simulation and did quite a good job. Next up, we have Alex and Gale. Enter the operation room to select your weapons when ready."

Chapter 11

Alex and Gale select their weapons and enter the simulation room. Alex picks a katana, and Gale picks dual daggers.

Operator: "A gunshot was heard. We've been asked to check what happened."

Alex: "Roger!"

Gale: "R-r-roger!"

Alex and Gale are spawned into a car heading towards the location.

Operator: "When you enter the building, the gunshot was reported to have been heard in apartment 304."

Alex and Gale walk to the building and take the elevator to the 4th floor.

Alex: "I'll check the crime scene. You can talk to the neighbor and get whatever information you can from them."

Gale: "C-c-can I c-c-check the c-c-crime scene instead?"

Alex: She did get the number one score on the written test and even made that deduction with me earlier. Maybe she should check. Alex thinks to himself.

Alex: "Sure, go ahead."

Gale tries to open the door, but it's locked.

Alex knocks on the neighbor's door. While waiting, he asks Gale if she needs help.

Gale: "N-n-no, I g-g-got it."

Gale forcefully opens the door with her monstrous strength.

Alex: I won't be making her angry. Alex thinks to himself.

Gale walks in, checking around the apartment. The man's neighbor opens his door. He has a cast that covers his entire hand and part of his forearm.

Alex takes out his badge.

Alex: "Hello, sir. We're with Tek City Police Department. We're here because we received word of a reported gunshot?"

Neighbor: "Yes, that was me. I heard a gunshot next door, and I didn't know what to do, so I called."

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