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Olive's POV

I wake up with a slight headache and hate myself for drinking so much last night. I find that I am still wearing my sequin dress and my hair is knotted into a "not-so-cute" rat's nest.

I look to find the source of the sound that woke me from my peaceful slumber and see nothing.

"Please stop buzzing!" I say to no one in particular as a get up and shuffle around my room looking for my cell phone.

Once I finally realize it's somehow made it's way into my heels from last night I grab it and see what all the commotion is about. I have 20 texts from Rose(my best friend from when I was on the previous season of the bachelor) and 12 missed calls. As I start to open her messages she calls me once again and I answer.

"OLIVE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I'M FREAKING OUT!" She screams as I hold my phone out at arms length as my head starts pounding even more if that's possible.

"I just woke up. Calm down. What's so important?" I ask.

"YOU DON'T KNOW YET?? Check your emails and then call me back." She sputters out quickly before ending our call.

I go to look at my emails and see I have 2 new notifications. Weird, one of them is from the bachelor staff.

~The Email~

Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the bachelorette! Get ready to set sail on an adventure of a lifetime! Filled with romance and maybe even love!

Your plane ticket to LAX is attached to this email.

For any more questions please contact us by email or call our office at 555-243-6698.


"What the fuck?" I start to become enraged that they would even think I would want to come back on the show after last seasons catastrophes. Long story short I fell in love with a man and he didn't reciprocate these feelings. Not to mention I had to share a house with the most bitchy women ever. Well, except for Rose. Sure she can be overbearing at times and a little spastic, but I love her to death.

My phone starts ringing and I automatically know it's her again.

"So..? Did you read it" she goes on without me answering, "I mean I can't believe this is actually happening. I mean, I don't mean that in a bad way. Of course they would choose you! You're gorgeous, and hilarious. but this is so amazing you get to travel the world with a bunch of hunks! You're so-"

"I'm not doing it." I interrupt her.

She pauses, taking in my words. "What are you talking about?!" She says shocked.

"You know what happened last time I tried to do this! I can't do it again! I'm still hung up on you-know-who."

"Olive! You can't just let him stop you from finding love. Just because Ty-"

"Do not speak of his name!" I say.

"Whatever there is no way you can say no! I am going to convince you! This is an opportunity of a lifetime." She whined on.

"Ok, well I'm going to take an aspirin and go back to bed. Have fun with that." And with that I end the call and go to slip on some fuzzy pajamas and crawl back into my silk sheets.

Right as I am about to be whisked away to dream land my phone starts going off again. I answer without even looking at the caller I.D.

"I swear Rose, if you don't let me get some sleep so help me God I will block your number!" I shout into the phone.

"Olive? Are you okay?" Oh shit. I look at my screen and see that it's Chris Harrison who has called me.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!"

"It's fine I know sometimes Rose can be a little....dramatic."

"Yes, well I know why you're calling and I just can't accept."

"Ok I get that you were hurt and you probably want to just move on from it, but that's the point! We want you to be able to find love and I really believe the process will work for you!" he pleads.

"Yes, the process did work! And I am still heart-broken. And it sucks." I say.

"You can move on, I promise. Please just give this a shot. It will be worth your while!"

"I don't know Chris..."

"Please just think about it. You can use the free ticket to fly out here and see some friends and even if you decide not to, it's still a free trip! How can you pass that up?"

I think about his offer. I do need a tan, and how am I going to toss a free trip to LA in the garbage. "Fine! You wore me down I will come to LA, but I'm not promising anything!"

"I understand! Please think it over! We would love for you to be the next bachelorette!" He says.

"Ok thanks. I'll get back to you." With that we end the conversation.

I look at the email and see that the ticket date is set for tomorrow. How the hell am I supposed to be packed by tomorrow?!

Well so much for sleep.


5:30 AM

As I go over my packing list one last time, I make sure I have everything I need.

"Clothes? Check. Toiletries? Check." Etc.

20 minutes later I am out the door making my way to the New York City streets where my cab is waiting.

The trip to JFK takes about 25 minutes and then I have to go through security and everything. By the time I have checked in my luggage, picked up some McD's for breakfast, and bought several magazines to keep myself entertained with on my 6 hour flight, I have 5 minutes to spare.

I look at my ticket and find that I'm in first class. Once first class starts to board I make my way to my seat. "Thank you Chris Harrison" I say to myself. About 30 minutes later they are letting the last minute passengers on and we are preparing for take off.

I get my headphones out and am about to listen to some classical music hoping to get a nap in since I'm exhausted from packing and waking up super early, when I notice the teenage girl who is sitting next to me is practically gawking at me.

"May I help you?" I ask frankly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but aren't you that girl from the bachelor?" She asks innocently. Ugh I know she is going to bother me the rest of this flight if I say yes.

"No, I get that all the time though."

"Are you sure? You must be identical to her"

"No, no, she's much prettier than me." (A/N if you get this reference you had an amazing childhood)

She looks at me as if she doesn't quite believe my story, but soon excepts it and looks elsewhere for entertainment. I stick my headphones in and let the soft piano and violin take over my senses as we start down the runway. I close my eyes and soon enough I am unconscious.


Ok so what do you think?¿

Do you like the name Olive?

Does Rose annoy you because she kind of annoys me. In a childish she can't help it sort of way.

Anyways, again please comment your ideas and vote! Every little thing helps!!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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