Day 1

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"Who am I?"
"Who are you?"

Useless questions that get asked constantly. Did you really care to find out the answer? Or did you just want a sound to call a person?
Did you actually want to know? Or where you just being "polite"?

Going on about how you are, and only listening to the words that people say. Do you even take in what they say? Do you even care? Or are you just being "polite"?


What does the word even mean? We use it all the time but do we actually use it by it's defined meaning?

In the dictionary it's meaning is "showing or characterized by correct social usage." Not even the dictionary itself can say what it truly is. Only that it's a social construct that changes over time.


Like the girl who broke my heart? Or like me who called her my love?

We were both considered "polite" but turned out to be two very different people. So what has become the social norm of being polite?

This story is too much of a burden on me and maybe if you knew the truth you'd know: Esperanza Zigber, is a demon sent from the depths of hell.

She needed to return.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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