Chapter 1.

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I was standing in the end of the line, nervously scrolling through google articles, making sure I didn't miss anything and got everything right. Surprisingly, there was a lot of people in this shop, even loud music in my earphones couldn't block all annoying noises around me. I made a deep sigh, and smiled: i was very nervous, but much more I was very excited.
    It's been my fourth day in America, everything in here was very unfamiliar and new to me, but i was happy to get along with this country and its culture, after all, someone very dear to me was from here, and I was willing to know everything about it so we can be even closer. Flashbacks of my arrival popped up in my head again, giving warm feeling and butterflies in my stomach. I smiled again, remembering how I got out of the plane, nearly shaking from joy and excitement, as Akaza jumped on me, pulling into a tight hug, as I hugged her back nearly crying and jumping from happiness and relief from the fact, that something we both wanted so much for so long had finally happened. Strangers from the airport were staring at us, some was judgmental, some was laughing, some was just surprised. As minutes passed by, she slowly pulled away, looking at me from head to toes, looking amused and surprised.
    «I can't believe that you wasn't joking about coming in THIS.», Akaza said, smiling with fake annoyance. I couldn't hold back my laugh, as I was expecting your reaction to be like it. A long time ago, I once joked that when we will meet I will come in Dazai cosplay, and now, here we are – I'm standing in airport in silly anime clothes, with bandages around my arms, looking like the happiest person ever alive.
    «And I can't believe that I'm not dreaming. You are so much taller in person than I expected...» You smirked proudly, looking away. I was blushing a lot, this was so unusual, and the awkwardness was thick in air, but I was sure that we will get used to see each other in person very quick.
    Not surprisingly, I was right – just a couple hours later, after I checked in hotel, we were walking around the city and talking so comfortable, as if we did it every day.
«Well, technically, we did talk to each other every day for hours. », I say, as you roll your eyes and smile. «Yes, but it feels absoluuuutely different! Now I can see your face, see what your emotions are, hear your voice so close... It's nothing like talking in discord. ». I smiled, and pocked you in check, «You're right, I couldn't do that in discord! » I laughed, as you laughed back and took my hand in yours to squeeze it in revenge. We arrived in coffee shop soon, and you ordered your favorite iced coffee and hot espresso for me. I was shy to talk with other people, since my accent was very bad, and asked you order for me. «Well of course, if you will start speaking everyone will think that you are Russian spy and call the police. » you laughed, passing me my drink, looking disgusted at it. «I really don't understand how can you drink this crap, especially when its summer outside. » as you said it, I took a loud sip on purpose and made the most satisfied face I could. «Because its DELICIOUUS, you just don't understand» you rolled your eyes, as we continued to talk while enjoying our drinks...
    As I was smiling, thinking about it, I heard a loud discord notification. I immediately looked at my phone, opening discord.
From: Akaza, 5:20 p.m.
I'm already here. When will you arrive?

   I blinked once, looking at time, remembering that we agreed to meet at 5:30, and looked at person in front of me, that was already paying for their order.
From: Maddline, 5:21 p.m.
I'm coming, we will meet soon bbg 
   I smiled, typing in a hurry and putting my phone away, as it was finally my turn to make an order. «Good evening, what can I get you? » an old lady asked, looking at me. I cleared my throat and said «Could you please make me a bouquet with 10 red roses and 4 daises? » I asked, trying my best to sound less Russian. She nodded, smiling as she knew exactly what this flowers meant, and started gather what I need, wrapping it in black wrapper as I asked. Then I finally paid for it, thanked her and rushed from the shop, quickly taking my phone in hand to check another notification.
From: Akaza, 5:26 p.m.
Hurry uuuuuppppp, BbG 
From: Maddline, 5:26 p.m.

   I typed, running to the park, feeling my heartbeat race, as i notice one very pretty and beautiful blonde standing near the entrance waiting...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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