Special Delivery

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I know, I know, I'm making another fnia story when Doc and I are still working on Duality, it's a long story. Either way, this story has pervy people and animatronic and may feature strong languages or suggestive themes, Reader Discretion Advised.



We open our story at the funeral of David and Sandra Andrews following their daughter Ashley accepting condolences and talking to everyone. She's interrupted by her best friend Andrew Ashford.

Andrew: Hey Ashley, you doing ok? I know this must be pretty hard.

Ashley: It definitely hurts, but my folks always looked on the bright side, they wouldn't want me to be too sad that they're gone. Dana and Ricky still around?

Andrew: Ricky's getting something to eat and Dana's saying goodbye to your parents. *a man with a briefcase walks up to them*

Man: Are you Ashley Andrews?

Ashley: Yes, I am. Can I help you?

Man: My name is Douglas, I'll be reading your Mother and Father's last will and testament, they request I read your part to you in private.

Ashley: Can my friend Andrew come? I don't think I can do this myself.

Douglas: Certainly, actually, this also involves him as well as Mr. Richard Smith and Miss Daniella Jenkins.

Andrew: I'll go get Ricky and Dana.

Douglas: We'll be in this room right here. *he takes Ashley into the side room while they wait, a few minutes pass and Andrew walks in with Ricky and Dana.* thank you for seeing me.

Ashley: ok, everyone's here, what did my folks have to say?

Douglas: We'll start with what your mother left you *he clears his throat* And to my little Ashley, I leave you the house out in the countryside. The only condition being you move in right away along with your friends Andrew, Ricky, and Dana.

Dana: Isn't that the giant house in Triteela? *Douglas nods*

Ricky: That woman was always so kind to us. *Andrew hits him upside the head*

Ashley: *Rolls her eyes and shakes her head before turning back to Douglas* And my Dad?

Douglas: Your father wanted that to be a surprise. All I can tell you is they'll have a message from him and he spent a lot of time and effort making them. *he hands Ashley a note with an address on it* the key to the house will be under the welcome mat as well as 3 copies, I'll be checking is they're still there tomorrow morning and if they are I'm taking them. Your aunt has agreed to take care of the rest of the funeral in case you say yes. Head home, think about it, hopefully pack and get ready to go.

Ashley: thank you Douglas, I'll let you know if and when I get to to house. *the four of them head out to the parking lot.*

Dana: *stops them all before they get far* So, are we going through with the move? It's a big, really sudden change that effects all of us.

Ricky: It's a giant house in the countryside. *Andrew hits him and he laughs* Just lightening the mood, but for real, it's your parents last wish, Ash. I'm sure it's something good they have set up for you.

Andrew: it's your call Ashley, you go, we'll follow.

Ashley: *she takes a moment to weigh the options before giving a sly smile* Pack your bags, we're going to Triteela. I'll call a moving truck and I'll pick you guys up.

Fnia: A New Homeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن