The first day

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I am a firm believer in the statement that people can change.

However I know for a fact Exer Campbell never will.

Upon my arrival back to school, having been away for a year, it seemed as though nothing had changed. It was still the same hell hole I was forced to endure except this time I would have to do it alone and it felt as thought I had been put in the spotlight.

As I pushed open the doors to the school all eyes were on me, watching me as if they were saying, "We know what you did and haven't forgotten about it."

You don't think I know that?

I kept my eyes to the ground as I attempted to ignore the comments and focused more on the music my Walkman was blasting into my ears.

And after a while the stares faded into the background as I stopped in front of my locker.

The situation had finally settled as I came to the reality that I was back here, back at school after what seemed like forever.

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and opened my locker and almost immediately my eyes settled on the pictures taped onto the inside of the door.

One was a picture of myself and a male with blond hair and lively blue eyes, we were both smiling his pearly whites shining brightly as he swung his arm over my shoulders.

And directly beneath the other photo was a group photo, me in the middle and the same pretty blonde on the left and on the right another male with dark skin and curly brown hair with catlike eyes. We were all smiling and happy, clad in the school's red football kits.

Football was something I don't think I'd ever be able to do again.

In an instant I snatched both photos off the door, ripping them to shreds in almost an instant. The pieces pooled around my feet.

Exer Campbell and David Miller were dead to me.

Dramatic, I know but it's true.

The rest of my locker had been cleared for the most part due to my abrupt departure after the incident that occurred last year so after I placed what I didn't need into my locker I shut it and locked it.

Amongst the sea of students stood a boy, his chocolate hair spiked up and thick brows furrowed in concentration. In his hands he held a piece of paper, twisting it and flipping it in attempts to make some sort of sense of it.

And then..


The doors to the entrance flung open and everyone stopped what they were doing.

Two boys stood at the entrance one with his foot raised indicating that he had just kicked it open.

Gasps and giggles erupted from the viewers, recognising the pair instantly.

Exer Campbell and David Miller are inseparable.

Jackson paid no mind to the two boys and went back to trying to make sense of the schedule he held in his hands. After all it's not like they were gonna help him find his class, right?8

"Hey Exer!"

"Hey Karen!"

"Oh it's Exer!"

"You should totally go talk to him!"

"I have no chance, plus everyone knows he's the most popular boy at this school...there must be a girl he likes out there somewhere..."

I begin the walk to my first class, history.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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